Dewy Drops the Hammer


Arrow Chucker
Congrats to Dewy. He hammered this guy early Friday morning. This guy flew down about 30 yards behind his blind. Strutted around to the front and got stuck. First bow bird for Dewy. Great job man!

Nice work Dewy, thanks for wearing a hat this year in your pictures...

Really though. Congrats!

REALLY...the best you can do is a hair joke? We all expect a little more outta you. :) Thanks though.

Despite the long dry spell waiting for a bow bird I have had more fun having my boys kill'em than me. Lots of exciting close calls including one with Limb and both of my brothers. Of course closing the deal is the goal but the little adventures that have lead to it have been far more fun than the final flop of a tom. With that said, it was a pretty awesome rush.
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