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Did i screw up?


Active Member
This morning I was set up on inside corner comming off a bunch of thick cedars. I can see across cut bean field about 120 yards or so I see and hear a buck grunting. I t was extremely quite you could hear a leaf drop type quite. I see a shooter tending a doe. very little wind. I grunted and the doe looked in my direction for about 15 minutes not moving. The buck just stood still also. I grunted again and she lead him away. Question? Did a screw up by grunting or should I have sat and let things happen. They would of had to come around a corner to get to me. Maybe I rushed things. After she lead him away, Another shooter came to exact location bout 20 minutes later. Grunted he looked, snorth weze no results. I have grunted in about 10 little bucks this year but big boys dont care about it. Is this normal??
I don't think you screwed up but no way is a buck going to come into any type of call when he's got a hot piece locked down.
I don't think you screwed up but no way is a buck going to come into any type of call when he's got a hot piece locked down.

Agreed. I do have luck grunting at multiple deer on one hot doe, but they're mature of the deer usually wins the doe leaving me with the 2nd in line.

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I never call at a buck that is with a doe. My reasoning is he is not going to leave her, and I think it lessens the chance of her bringing him past if she hears another buck (I doubt she would want the additional attention). I let things play out and hope she eventually brings him past.
Ya, that's what I thought after the fact. Next time I will prolly not get her attention. Lesson learned. But that's why we hunt. Thanks
I have called a mature buck off of a doe. It does not happen often, I use a grunt and a heat bleat. I use them together to paint the picture that there is a buck breeding a doe. If he is king of that area slight chance he will come take a look. Just my experience. Good Luck
Crazy story. My buddy this year is hunting and sees a giant dogging a doe 75-100 yards out. He wasn't sure what to do so he grunted. The doe stopped on a dime and looked his way. He grunted again and this time the doe came on a dead run and stopped at the base of his tree bringing the giant with him. He smoked him at 15 yards. The buck went 224 gross.

Moral of the story, you just don't know what will happen. I would try as a last resort calling to them though.
Crazy story. My buddy this year is hunting and sees a giant dogging a doe 75-100 yards out. He wasn't sure what to do so he grunted. The doe stopped on a dime and looked his way. He grunted again and this time the doe came on a dead run and stopped at the base of his tree bringing the giant with him. He smoked him at 15 yards. The buck went 224 gross. Moral of the story, you just don't know what will happen. I would try as a last resort calling to them though.

Hey let's see pictures of the 224!
Crazy story. My buddy this year is hunting and sees a giant dogging a doe 75-100 yards out. He wasn't sure what to do so he grunted. The doe stopped on a dime and looked his way. He grunted again and this time the doe came on a dead run and stopped at the base of his tree bringing the giant with him. He smoked him at 15 yards. The buck went 224 gross. Moral of the story, you just don't know what will happen. I would try as a last resort calling to them though.

Let's see pictures of the 224!
I have called a mature buck off of a doe. It does not happen often, I use a grunt and a heat bleat. I use them together to paint the picture that there is a buck breeding a doe. If he is king of that area slight chance he will come take a look. Just my experience. Good Luck
Same here many times, study deer vocalizations and make it happen. Remember they all have different personalities so you just have to watch their body language and understand what's working or not.
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Those situations I say dang if you do dang if you don't. If you do call you will wish you wouldn't have and if you don't call you will wish you would have.:eek:
I never call at a buck that is with a doe. My reasoning is he is not going to leave her, and I think it lessens the chance of her bringing him past if she hears another buck (I doubt she would want the additional attention). I let things play out and hope she eventually brings him past.

My thoughts as well. Last thing she wants is more deer around her to potentially run her ragged
My thoughts as well. Last thing she wants is more deer around her to potentially run her ragged
I've had the doe come May way more often than not. It worked for me this year on my 6.5 yr old buck. I think some does that aren't quite ready to breed see it as a chance to maybe get rid of the bucks.
I would say you didn't screw up...it just didn't work that time. Might work in the future, as others have had it work. I've tried calling a few bucks off of does (or at least I assume they have one near if I can't see her and they don't seem to be cruising), but haven't ever had any luck. Never know what will happen. To be honest, I probably would have grunted too. Possibly would have rattled a little as well, but sometimes I get a little eager if it's one I really want to shoot. Better luck next time!
Thanks guys, I just wanted to see what I could a done different. But both bucks may still be there, So maybe this weekend it will happen, Starting Thursday evening. Seems like in Western Iowa things are going pretty good now. About a week later than usual. Or maybe I haven't gone this far into November without tagging out.
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