Did they pull another thread?

I think that the numbers are down for sure the rack size is down for sure.I said it before but i think ehd made more sick than it killed so the bucks couldnt grow like normal and the does lost fawns do to being sick. I think it will start coming back,not all in one year of course but it will slowly come back.It will speed the come back up to get rid of the extra antlerless tags its foolish to even have it anyway shed bucks get killed during the late one all the time.
Where do you see the word idiot in my post? Even Bill Weinke stated that most resident landowners can't see it from the other side. Just because your a RLO doesn't make you any better than a non land owning resident! I own land that I've worked hard for but don't feel like I should get special treatment for it. Owning land gives me enough rights that non landowners don't have. Some people are just not fortunate enough to own land. Owning land doesn't equal owning the wildlife

You are completely right on this last statement. The sooner we all get that the better. But if you worked hard enough to own and manage land that also should not be a detriment. Private property rights are and should be protected. Public resouces belong to the public and nothing should be allow to convert those resources to being privately held. This is a very complicated topic.
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Funny how guys who don't live here or hunt here every year know everything about what's going on, all through a bunch of hear say on the internet. I'm sure TB is going to call you up for your expert opinion on Iowa's deer heard and how to maintain it for everybody's best interest..lol

*Sarcasm off*

But anyways, I know a ton of landowners, a lot get 3 tags, and the reason why is so they are legal. They don't always fill them, and usually if they do, its definitely not 3 bucks. Heck, most don't even have time or take time to go out and hunt, maybe a few afternoon/nights a year, and thats usually during shotgun season. I'd wager a guess that at least 50% of landowners go about it that way. They get the meat processed into stick or salami or jerky and have it available at Thanksgiving or Christmas..

I had 3 tags this year, didn't even fill one. I'll get 3 more this fall, and if I'm lucky I'll only fill one. If its not 4.5+ I'm not shooting it. I have no interest in a doe or small buck, but the reason I get 3 tags is to be able to hunt all year and be legal...
Funny how guys who don't live here or hunt here every year know everything about what's going on

I never stated I know everything that is going on, in fact the thread has me unsure what to think is going on.
I'm not a deer biologist, nor did I major any type of wildlife degree. I don't have all the answers to make everyone happy. I merely offered some suggestions that I think could help get things back to where they were a few years ago.

As far as the resident guys that don't want any outside of the state help.... I don't think its ever a good idea to be closed minded and to think that you know everything. I think we have a President that is like that right now and it doesn't bode well for the USA. Arrogance gets a lot of people in trouble... stupidity is the only thing that probably gets more people in trouble.

No I'm not calling anyone out as being arrogant or stupid, but I think it might be a good idea to listen to everyone ideas and soak them in. Some of the out of state guys have valuable experience that could help you from making the same mistakes they have. It's always better to learn from others mistakes along with your mistakes, than to only learn from your own mistakes. I'm an out of the box thinker, always have been. Sometimes my ideas work out great, sometimes they stink and I feel stupid looking back on them.

I'm not what I'd consider a "wise person", I'm still to young to be.... but it'd serve everyone one of well to listen to the experienced "wise people". They have been there before and have the best ideas normally for this kind of thing...
I'm not a deer biologist, nor did I major any type of wildlife degree. I don't have all the answers to make everyone happy. I merely offered some suggestions that I think could help get things back to where they were a few years ago.

As far as the resident guys that don't want any outside of the state help.... I don't think its ever a good idea to be closed minded and to think that you know everything. I think we have a President that is like that right now and it doesn't bode well for the USA. Arrogance gets a lot of people in trouble... stupidity is the only thing that probably gets more people in trouble.

No I'm not calling anyone out as being arrogant or stupid, but I think it might be a good idea to listen to everyone ideas and soak them in. Some of the out of state guys have valuable experience that could help you from making the same mistakes they have. It's always better to learn from others mistakes along with your mistakes, than to only learn from your own mistakes. I'm an out of the box thinker, always have been. Sometimes my ideas work out great, sometimes they stink and I feel stupid looking back on them.

I'm not what I'd consider a "wise person", I'm still to young to be.... but it'd serve everyone one of well to listen to the experienced "wise people". They have been there before and have the best ideas normally for this kind of thing...

Baby - G,

You bring up some good points.
I agree with you and it is totally understandable.
We need everyone's opinion to come to the best all around conclusion.
As we get older the more sense it makes.
Just because someone does not agree with you does not make them an idiot or self serving. Your idea (not directed towards anyone here) may be bunk, it may be the best scenario, heck I don't know. Show some proof though how it would work. Not just because I said so on an internet forum expecting me to buy into it.
Everyone hunts for a different reason and some could care less about big bucks.
Maybe we should just do what we did before to bring the deer herd back along with a study showing the true carrying capacity of the land? Next thing we have to think about is how the DNR will be funded. These are just a couple of hard questions that need to be answered.

To blindly say lets pull a RLO tag and it will help our situation I will not buy into. Just my .02 guys sorry for the rant.
To blindly say lets pull a RLO tag and it will help our situation I will not buy into. Just my .02 guys sorry for the rant.

100% agreed!!! I would give up my RLO tag in a heartbeat if I thought doing so would make an iota of difference, but it won't. Iowa has been hit by a "perfect storm" of over harvest of does (thanks to the FB, Ins. Companies & the Gov.) on top of two consecutive years of EHD mortaility (thanks to the weather). There is only one of these variables that we can do a thing about & that is Governor Branstad. The Iowa deer population would be far better served if those of us on IW would expend more effort trying to convince Governor Branstad to listen to the DNR a little more and the FB & insurance people a little less. Arguing with each other about how to manage Iowa's whitetail population is literally "preaching to the choir". It also ends up making enemies out of those who should be our allies.

Oh yea, & quit eating beef so less farting cattle get raised & global warming ends...:rolleyes:
100% agreed!!! I would give up my RLO tag in a heartbeat if I thought doing so would make an iota of difference, but it won't. Iowa has been hit by a "perfect storm" of over harvest of does (thanks to the FB, Ins. Companies & the Gov.) on top of two consecutive years of EHD mortaility (thanks to the weather). There is only one of these variables that we can do a thing about & that is Governor Branstad. The Iowa deer population would be far better served if those of us on IW would expend more effort trying to convince Governor Branstad to listen to the DNR a little more and the FB & insurance people a little less. Arguing with each other about how to manage Iowa's whitetail population is literally "preaching to the choir". It also ends up making enemies out of those who should be our allies.

Oh yea, & quit eating beef so less farting cattle get raised & global warming ends...:rolleyes:

Come on you didn't really agree with me did you?? :D
You are right on with the perfect storm. This year's winter is not helping us any either. I was just thinking about that last night.
All we need is a wet fall with a lot of corn left in and a lot less deer will be harvested. Problem may take care of itself. We are overdue for it. Two years of this in a row and numbers will boom. No I'm not a weatherman and no I don't have a crystal ball but from most I've talked to there are still good numbers in places. I'm just not ready to here the sky is falling yet. Especially from nr.:D
I completely agree that taking away the RLO tag would have no effect at all. I do believe taking away 1 buck tag from every resident and limiting every resident to 1 doe tag unless you are a RLO you'd get a 2nd doe tag.

My other thought that isn't popular with me, but is the best way to actually manage deer numbers is limit the amount of tags per acreage. But I hate the result, because BIG MONEY wins the tags everytime.

So you have to give serious thought and brain storming into this to come up with a fair and meets as many residents expectations as possible.
I agree, change any sex tags to 2 and 1 and limit doe harvest. Stating that an extra tag is needed just to patrol your property is senseless. If you need a tag to patrol, maybe your doing it for the wrong reason. If taking away that chance to kill a big one deters you then you weren't really patrolling just for tresspassers
I think needing a tag to patrol would change because the less tags available the more selective hunters are. In the past maybe the first 4.5 year old that came by got shot because they knew they had one or two in their pocket.

I can speak from 1st hand experience that most die hard guys aren't shooting a 125 inch 4.5 year old if that's their only tag, or at least I chose not to this year.

Guys are just panicked about having that giant walk by and not having a tag to use. It would take a few eyes to adjust but it worth it.

I can say looking back when Indiana did it I was pissed. Now I can't imagine hunting any other way.

It's about everyone sacrificing a little bit for the overall greater good.......
I agree, change any sex tags to 2 and 1 and limit doe harvest.

So for the resident hunter you are stating only one any/sex tag?

That would be interesting to see how the deer hunters would respond to that knowing they couldn't get a firearm license or a bow tag because they were limited to one any/sex tag.
I bet a lot wouldn't hunt except for that particular season that they had their any/sex tag for.
I agree it would bring the population back.

Now with less hunters how would you fix the revenue problem?
So for the resident hunter you are stating only one any/sex tag?

That would be interesting to see how the deer hunters would respond to that knowing they couldn't get a firearm license or a bow tag because they were limited to one any/sex tag.
I bet a lot wouldn't hunt except for that particular season that they had their any/sex tag for.
I agree it would bring the population back.

Now with less hunters how would you fix the revenue problem?

I would stop paying state employees a pension if they are still working...
I would stop paying state employees a pension if they are still working...

I agree with you. if you are talking about the revenue problem for the DNR?

I wonder if you did that if that pot of money could pay for the DNR's expenses?
They could sell an any-sex tag combo with an antler-less that is good for all season's to Iowa Residents. And landowners are able to obtain 1 more of the combo tags.
They could do a lot of things, but they won't! Too dramatic of a change, It just won't fly. Our best shot is to try to convince Branstad to allow the DNR to decrease number of doe tags & get rid of late doe season. I just don't understand why so many are lusting after the RLO's potential third tag when the VAST MAJORITY of us don't even fill them. Focus more on the real problem(s), not what you wish you had. :confused:
They could do a lot of things, but they won't! Too dramatic of a change, It just won't fly. Our best shot is to try to convince Branstad to allow the DNR to decrease number of doe tags & get rid of late doe season. I just don't understand why so many are lusting after the RLO's potential third tag when the VAST MAJORITY of us don't even fill them. Focus more on the real problem(s), not what you wish you had. :confused:

At the snail's pace of our government I think this post is right on.
Not that you guys couldn't focus on the RLO's tag issue later on, but I think the DNR is being asked to increase the Deer population and not the Buck population by the majority of the hunters at this time.
Big picture, the #1 thing they can do right now to save our deer herd is to get rid of the January antlerless season. Taking away a buck tag isn't going to help increase the deer population.