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Didn't learn my lesson


Active Member
Some of you may remember my post at this time last year about the flooding we had and my allmost losing a V-cam.
link to post

I should of paid attention and learned from that experience. But in my endless quest for great photos, I put the camera in the same location last weekend.
The water level was very low and flooding like last year was the last concern I had. I was wrong......VERY WRONG

We had a storm blow through Tuesday evening and it dumped a bunch of rain. Allthough the field didn't flood as last year, the water level had risen quite a bit. I knew I was in trouble when I grabed the camera and it felt heavier than normal. That would be because it was full of water.

Anyway, one old X-10 board down the tubes. The water hadn't reached the camera and it is operating ok. I should be able to put in a new board and be rolling again.


When I placed the camera here, the water was a foot out in front of it. It looks like the water had been higher before I got here.
It would have been well worth the effort and loss Jay if you would have
shown us some those awesome Nebraska alligator photos you were after!

I guess thats why they call it a limited warrenty!.

Jay. Give the board some time to dry out. Then clean it with some alcohol. It may come back from the dead. Not that I ever had to do that before!
Ghost, remind me to tell you the story sometime about getting lost in a swamp at night tracking a friends deer. A floating log, in a swamp at night can make a person do strange things.
Ghost, remind me to tell you the story sometime about getting lost in a swamp at night tracking a friends deer. A floating log, in a swamp at night can make a person do strange things.

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I will,..... see you at the Shed Gathering!!!
TRhis looks like a good excuse to get one of those BG2's.

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BG2........I didn't think anyone could get them......
Nebraska alligator photos you were after!

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I thought Jay was trying to get some muskrat pics.....
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