Interesting post. If I find a dead buck, which I do alot when I am operating machines in the field after late muzzleloader season, I usually hang onto the rack. It may be a "crime", but most of the deer I find is usually just a skull, coyotes have had there way with it. Another thought, I have had this happen to me, You shoot a monster buck, and it wasn't the best of shots and you lose your deer. You harvest another nice buck and fill your tag. Later on you find your first buck. Are you entitled to the first buck you shot, or do you just leave it for the squirrels? Another thought, the buck that got away from you scored around 170. In my case, take the horns.
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Not just trying to be a jerk, but I feel this need addressed. You are most certainly not ENTITLED to the first buck you shot because you CHOSE to walk away from it and shoot another buck. This becomes even worse if it is a 170 rack. As a comparison, if you are married to a beautiful girl and get tired of her for some reason and divorce her and marry another then run into her 2 years later and she is still single are you entitled to have both women, or just the one you tagged?
We seem to be in an age of entitlement. You must understand that whether you agree with the laws or not, if you take the extra rack home you are breaking the law and that you do it willingly. You are not entitled to anything other than what you tag legally.
Sorry but I really dislike the term or idea of entitlement. Several times a week I have people in here that feel they are entitled to a new car just because they need one to get to work, or their friend just got one. Never mind the fact that they didn't pay for the last 2 that were reposesssd, or that they don't have any money for a downpayment, or that they just charged off $15,000.00 of credit card debt that they couldn't get rid of with bankrupcy , they are ENTITLED to a decent car for transportation for them selves, their girlfriend and their 3 illegimate children.
Boy that really turned into a blast didn't it. Sorry.