Life Member
For the conspiracy guys........your ARE right! This is all about money for the IDNR. They are protecting themselves from lower tag sales due to sick animals and defensive spending to combat the disease.
Any way you look at it, I just don't see how the negatives outweigh the positives. So your next buck is short a few inches of antler and you don't have a photo book to show your buddies? Is that really it?
It's not hard to reason that feed and minerals bring deer together that may have not normally been exposed to each other. Even if nature spreads the disease, why spread it faster than needed?
After seeing some replies, I can't wait for this to pass.
Geez man.......guns kill innocent people every day and it isn't hard to reason that taking away the right to purchase and sell them would probably decrease the amount of accidental shootings and murders, but I'm not up for that one either.
As I stated before, if this were to pass I wouldn't have a problem accepting it, but banning the use of any mineral site ISN'T going to prevent it or slow it for that matter. Deer are social creatures, they don't hide in a hole away from each other only to step out and eat a single acorn on the ground. If you've got a deer on your property that has the "ick", he's or she is going to spread it with or without visiting a mineral site.
This post has somehow turned into a "if you use trailcams or the modern wheel your killing our herd" kind of thing, and it's a little bothersome to me. This site is made up of more photos, videos, SINGLE buck life stories and a wealth of knowledge which is gained primarily by individuals studying and identifying deer they hunt. If cataloging deer on my ground makes me less of a hunter, so be it, but in my opinion it makes me more involved with whats going on in the areas I hunt. I'd be willing to bet I stand a better chance at detecting any sort of disease around my ground from the use of trailcams than someone else who only visits their ground during any open season.
And yes, I am definitly one of the "conspiracy guys" when it comes to the DNR............they reassure me of it every year is some sort of fashion.