Here's my 2 cents from 25 years of experience living in "most of your shoes"..... My advice reading this or disclaimer is: 1) This post is Worth the 2 cents and might not even be worth that 2) will disagree and agree with some of the stances almost ALL of you have stated. I think I'm a "hybrid" example where I do agree with some of all sides on this. I will also, state, IMO, what the FACTS are - some of which, my personal friends might not like to hear. Quick story, reality, then last part on this post - WHAT IS GOING ON ACROSS OUR STATE.....
I grew up in Michigan. I had ONE YEAR where my uncle owned a couple medium size wooded "farms" I could go squirrel hunting or walk around on. He died.... He donated one to the county, one got split by family (very small farm) to sell and one my uncle bought for himself and his kids. I was DONE immediately. My family & my direct side had ZERO. This is in 1993-1998. In 1993 - ground & access was HARD TO FIND. Leasing actually, yes, it existed. I networked and hunted highly pressured poor quality hunting ground. I worked lawn jobs to actually pay a guy $500 to let me hunt his 20 acre farm for the year, I literally had no where to go. I hunted public and thinking back, the several years I did - I do not recall seeing even one deer. It's a miracle I stayed with it. But, I was 12-14 years old. I LOVED IT, I loved land, hunting, outdoors (starting when I could walk, spent all my time outdoors). I KNEW AT 13 or 14 years old, after a year or 2 of having little or no access & my uncle's land GONE - I knew I wanted to own land. My declared goal at 14..... I came home from Biology class (my biology teacher at 14 was a HARDCORE hunter & killed "big bucks" - I looked up to him) - after Mr. Morris, my teacher had spoken to me all year about land, habitat, deer, pressure, etc (again, I was 14)..... Long story short - We talked about "size" (I couldn't tell you what an acre was or 200 acres)...... Well, he told me "Skip, a SQUARE MILE is 640 acres". Most the farms here are in those size sections, usually broken up into smaller parcels BUT if you could own 640 acres, you'd own a SQUARE MILE!. That's what I help manage for some old "well off" people and big reason I kill big ones". DING DING DING....... I have my life goal EMBEDDED in me from that day forward. A Square mile, 4 miles around it if you wanted to walk it. This was after i lost access to all sorts of farms. I thought "that's my dream in life for earthly goals". I started at 14 to achieve it. Well, technically with my lawn "business" at 10 years old I grew to about 12 lawn jobs by 14. I worked for $4.25/hour in flower fields all summer from 14-16, 40 hour weeks all summer and 15 hour weeks in school year. I cleaned houses with my mom (embarrassing).... I got into fixing up cars and selling them. I waited tables, worked in factories. From 10 years old until I got to college, I took half my money and put in mutual funds for land. My family was "poor" & I had the work horrid jobs. Through college, worked all year long, weekends, spring & winter break I worked in factory. I got internships that paid decent. WHY DID I DO THIS????? I wanted to save for land!!! Why did I want to save for land? 1) I love land 2) the bigger reality..... Yes, in the early to mid 90's, folks were kicked off of farms left and right. Selling, leasing, trying to control it, etc. THIS DID NOT START IN THE LAST 5 YEARS FOLKS. This was going on the 1st day I hunted when I was a little kid. and i'm 38 now. I felt CRAPPY when I got kicked off land and it was sold, whatever. So, I simply had to look in the mirror and face REALITY..... Am I gonna keep losing places every few years OR am I "SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY" gonna buy my own farms? That decision was cast in stone by 14 at the latest, I was going to buy a farm.
....Fast forward.... I work all the way through college, a lot of hours. Still put 1/2 my extra $ aside. I graduate. I got a "mediocre to good" job. Nothing mind blowing. Well, since I was 10 years old, I took my "stash" of loot I saved (Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc) and 4-5 months after graduating, I bought a farm in SE iowa. SMALL & I had to get a roomate in my apartment that i didn't want, live on basics, work extra, etc. Somehow I made it work. Spent years fixing it up and buying neighbors & growing every time I could save enough. Fast forward..... Farms were amazing.... Local guys wanted them bad, I wanted to be closer to des moines, I took their offers on several farms, started over many years ago closer to here. Never stoppped. The rest is history. Probably never will stop buying land. I love it. I'll die with it. My kids will get it. it's NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT for the $..... It's CONSERVATION, PEACE & QUIET, FREEDOM FROM A LOT OF IDIOT PEOPLE, LOVE OF FIXING UP HABITAT, I MAKE THE RULES, NO ONE CAN KICK ME OFF OR TELL ME IT'S SOLD!, It's mine. There were 2 choices, FOR ME (THIS IS ONLY FOR ME - not saying others want or can do same thing)...... Keep getting booted off of crappy crowded land or SOMEHOW buy my own. I chose #2. To say it's a LOT OF WORK, MASSIVE SAVING, MASSIVE DISCIPLINE & GIVING UP A LOT OF "EXTRA THINGS" & A HUGE LEAP - would be an understatement. It's not easy. Owning a lot of land even has its own set of headaches and constant work & attention. It's not for everyone. No way, no how would I want the ability for folks like me to not be able to pursue this. Do I wish there was a magical world where everyone had 10,000 acres to hunt, ABSOLUTELY! It's not reality though, so, ME - I was forced to choose between the binary choices reality defined. I didn't like reality as a kid. I thought leasing, selling, kicking me off SUCKED!!!! I resented the guys that bought it. My other uncle, when I was maybe 13 years old heard me complain "Skip, what's your problem. Why don't you go buy it?" "CAUSE I'M 13!!!!"...... "So, doesn't mean people have to give this to you or you're owed the land. Sounds like you need to start saving for a farm" as he sold the uncles land that passed away. Well, I took his advice as I took my hunting equipment junk off that farm for the last time.