My shrubs, trees & habitat plans are far more diverse than this but for NATIVE GRASSES & Forbs, here's what I ordered this spring for example for some projects. It will change from farm to farm, soils and goals of course. Like I said, I've got lots of other plans from direct seeding to hinge cutting to TSI, to fruit tree planting, tree planting in general, etc, etc. Then foodplots is yet another silly topic I better not even start on.

Natives. I also will eventually get to Eastern Gamagrass and still deciding if I want to do some this year, otherwise.....
Some of seed is not approved for CRP and I'm not getting it for CRP stuff anyways, getting for other habitat projects/non-crp. and then, stuff like western wheatgrass, I'm mixing with switchgrass & some other things for my waterways I'm dozing up & making really nice... Doing some terracing and nice conserving waterways & I don't like fescue, brome or canary so if I seed the switch by March (meaning i somehow need to have dozer & implements going during a thaw and hope we don't get 5" of rain! Little risky) - later, I will then drill the Western Wheat, Big Blue and a few other things that will work in my locations, it really should turn out really nice and even if I lose the switch, I have enough other things I can keep working on for waterways that will be actually decent habitat & erosion control. Some of my other waterways (the dryer ones will have Round-up ready alfalfa), some "regular moisture" waterways- some will contain some clovers, forbs, regular alfalfa, etc - good for birds, deer, etc. Probably seeding with oats and rye to get some nasty roots down too. Wettest waterways I may put anything from the switchgrass with western wheat to clovers with western wheat, etc, etc. All These areas I'm just going to mow or bale the alfalfa - no herbicides like I do with switch and BB usually. If I did a Plateau/Panoramic type seeding I will use that herbicide and I do maybe have a few spots where I'd do either switch or switch & big blue that I'll use atrazine.
40 lbs Indian Grass
100 lbs Big Blue Stem
120 lbs Cave In Rock Switchgrass
50 lbs Kanlow Switchgrass
60 lbs western Wheat Grass
Blackeyed Susan 20 lbs
Illinois Bundleflower 20 lbs
Crimson Clover (not native)(not NRCS approved for CRP use) 20 lbs
Purple Coneflower 20 lbs
Upright Prairie (longheaded) Coneflower 10 lbs
Lanceleaf Coreopsis (not Iowa NRCS approved) 10 lbs
Perennial Lupine (not Iowa NRCS approved) 30 lbs
Partridge Peas 40 lbs
Purple Prairie Clover 25 lbs
White Prairie Clover 25 lbs