"do what makes u happy". I agree to some extent. I do love & enjoy hunting old bucks. I enjoy shooting old bucks and hunting with my family & close friends and the hunts after the old bucks are memories every year and we love every minute of it. I can assure u (preaching to the choir) - folks Hunting old mature bucks (no matter the score) have a huge sense of satisfaction & enjoy hunting & making memories like anyone.
It's obviously important to love the hunt & make memories. U don't necessarily have to kill a buck to "be happy" either though. It's somewhat cliche to say "shoot what makes u happy" as - who would disagree with that???!! To some extent, I'll go against the grain and say that's not everything..... It's ok to not shoot a buck. I personally have the belief and opinion that hunting is not ONLY about our own self satisfaction. *and I came from a place where everyone shot everything because it was only about "it was a lot of fun for me"- that single handedly destroyed Michigans deer herd (more to it and another 20 pages on that). It's not JUST ABOUT US. As stewards of the land, living & hunting in an ecosystem- we also have a duty to at least account for whats biologically sound with what we shoot. We have a resource to manage. Maybe then that means if we like meat- we shoot a Doe instead of a 3.5 150". We have some responsibility to manage our herd in good responsible means. I'll stop because I could write 5 pages on management, biology & age.... To bottom line it: your enjoyment is important but it's not entirely about u. We have other hunters, a managed area u hunt, neighbors, biological concerns, etc. The old cliche is hard to argue with and the vast majority that do are wieners BUT I just challenge folks to think against the grain slightly and not just think of their own enjoyment only and think that happiness means they have to shoot a buck either.
And this isn't necessarily disagreeing with ur post. I hear u. I get where u are coming from. I do hope folks grasp what's important, enjoy the deer season and slow down because life passes us by and it can b done in 2 seconds. Just throwing another perspective to it. Best wishes all and good thread.