do it


So much talk these days about shooting a 170, or will he go 165? We have like a month left guys. Shoot whatever makes you happy and don't worry about what everybody else thinks. I have pics of some truly awesome deer. But if one of the old relics on our ground walks by October 1 I will put an arrow through his lungs and smile from ear to ear. If it's a 190 class deer that makes your heart race or your first buck. Enjoy it. We had a serious accident this week at work and there is a bowhunter that will most likely miss this season. It puts it all into perspective, enjoy every minute you have hunting. A doe or a world class buck. Cherish the time you are allowed outdoors. You can't put a score on the smile of a kids first deer or killing a buck that maybe you let go last year. It's about comrodery friendship and making memories that will last a lifetime. Everybody be careful in preparation for this season, and Goodluck to each and every one of you
Awesome post! Exactly what I have been thinking. Hunting is hunting, and we are here to.share our tribulations and success' some new some new some old. Go out have fun and don't worry what could it be. I hope to read an awesome story when its over!

Good luck to everyone this year!
Very good post! Spark notes of below, shoot whatever deer, buck or doe, that makes you happy instead of waiting for one that would make others happy.

I started deer hunting at age 9 and was truly blessed with a 115 class mature buck as my first deer ever. Earlier that morning I was mad at myself for passing up a broken year old 6 point. Once I got my first deer I was hooked for life. I started watching hunting videos and I wanted to be a pro like Michael Waddell. I watched too many of those hunting videos and payed too much attention to what guys on hunting forums said about passing smaller bucks that I was more so waiting for a buck that pleased others and that I could be proud to show. I am 19 now and last year was the first year I didn't get a single deer. My mentality has changed now and I am back doing it for the enjoyment of the sport and I am going to follow the rule, if the buck or doe makes me happy, then I will try to put my tag on it.
Thats what is all about. Everybody wants to shoot a huge deer. Mostly because of what they see on tv, videos, and on forums. Trust me. I had this obsession with the 170" mark. Looking back I let fully mature 160" deer walk. Not going to happen again. I'd much rather wrap my tag around a 140 inch 6 year old buck than a 170" 3 year old. Call me crazy, killing an older buck that has been around the block a few times gives me a lot more satisfaction. Don't get caught up in the numbers game. If your heart beats a thousand miles an hour and your knees are knocking. Do your best to settle the pin, crosshairs or sights, and make yourself happy. Generally, nobody else is with you. It's your choice. Do what makes you happy. Its your tag and your allowed to put it on any legal deer. Especially all you younger guys and girls. Hopefully you will have many years ahead keep chasing a giant buck
Very nicely said, one thing i hate the most is when a pic of a deer someone shoots and someone has to chime in and say should of let him go another year, or something stupid like that. Trophy is in the eye of the beholder. Good luck to you all
well put everyone. in all reality if you look at most of the deer shot on these shows they are not always giants. most are lucky to shoot a 150 inch deer most are 140's. plus take into consideration most of these big time hunters are usually not like you and i as they travel state to state, hunt alot on outfitted property, and would guess that no deer means a smaller paycheck. i know i would be happy to harvest any swollen necked mature deer who comes by me this fall. good luck this fall everyone!
I have yet to measure any buck I've ever shot. Some cool memories and great hunting stories I can tell with each rack. Although they do get bigger from year to year... A trend that will be difficult to continue, but i'll take a buck like I shot last year every year for the rest of my life.
I may just shoot a spike horn to give my brothers back in Michigan something to cheer about! he he.... I don't measure mine either. I think the only way I would have one measured is if I killed something that was world record caliber. In that particular case, I did have a turkey scored once. But that's it - I promise!
I think oldbuck said it best on a video I saw, someone asked him what it scored and he stated "enough".
Well said. Whatever makes you happy is right. If that is a 150 inch goal then so be it. I hope your co-worker heals up soon.
Shoot whatever makes you happy, and don't judge others for what makes them happy. I like that. I have a baby on the way that's going to be due early November, so the first forked rack buck that walks by me this year is probably going to get an arrow.

Great post BTW.
"do what makes u happy". I agree to some extent. I do love & enjoy hunting old bucks. I enjoy shooting old bucks and hunting with my family & close friends and the hunts after the old bucks are memories every year and we love every minute of it. I can assure u (preaching to the choir) - folks Hunting old mature bucks (no matter the score) have a huge sense of satisfaction & enjoy hunting & making memories like anyone.

It's obviously important to love the hunt & make memories. U don't necessarily have to kill a buck to "be happy" either though. It's somewhat cliche to say "shoot what makes u happy" as - who would disagree with that???!! To some extent, I'll go against the grain and say that's not everything..... It's ok to not shoot a buck. I personally have the belief and opinion that hunting is not ONLY about our own self satisfaction. *and I came from a place where everyone shot everything because it was only about "it was a lot of fun for me"- that single handedly destroyed Michigans deer herd (more to it and another 20 pages on that). It's not JUST ABOUT US. As stewards of the land, living & hunting in an ecosystem- we also have a duty to at least account for whats biologically sound with what we shoot. We have a resource to manage. Maybe then that means if we like meat- we shoot a Doe instead of a 3.5 150". We have some responsibility to manage our herd in good responsible means. I'll stop because I could write 5 pages on management, biology & age.... To bottom line it: your enjoyment is important but it's not entirely about u. We have other hunters, a managed area u hunt, neighbors, biological concerns, etc. The old cliche is hard to argue with and the vast majority that do are wieners BUT I just challenge folks to think against the grain slightly and not just think of their own enjoyment only and think that happiness means they have to shoot a buck either.

And this isn't necessarily disagreeing with ur post. I hear u. I get where u are coming from. I do hope folks grasp what's important, enjoy the deer season and slow down because life passes us by and it can b done in 2 seconds. Just throwing another perspective to it. Best wishes all and good thread.
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