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Do you bow fish? Pics.


IowaWhitetail Addict
The poll on the main page said "Do you bow fish"

I proudly clicked yes and this is why.

I got off work, hussled to my uncles house and quickly drug a bedspring over my food plot to cover the seed I spread yesterday evening. After that I ran home grabbed the fishing bow PSE infite with my AMS setup JB-welded on the riser and went back up town to the dam in town.
An hour and 40 mins later I had to quit becuase the shadows were starting to make it tough to see them.


Here is a little better close up of the setup I have. CHEAP and EASY and dedicated to bowfishing. I shoot this bow for this only.


and after an 45 min of cleaning this is what I have to take to the locker.


I dropped off 3 fish today on my way to work. So this will make 9. The locker in the neighboring town charges a buck a pound to smoke them with a good brown suger cure. I will divide them up amoungst friends and family. A half or 1/4 is plenty for most people.

Thinking about bow fishing?

ITS A RIOT, and its pretty humbling as well. For every 6 to 10 inches deep aim a foot below them.

Only way to eat any rough fish is too have them smoked.

These are fairly boney, but if you fillet the rib bones off after smoking the dont have near as many.

Gotta take the good with the bad.

PS. These are redhorse. A cousin to the carp.
PS. These are redhorse. A cousin to the carp.

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Bingo... they're some sort of redhorse.

Thinking about bow fishing?

ITS A RIOT, and its pretty humbling as well. For every 6 to 10 inches deep aim a foot below them.


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It is definately a riot! I can't wait to get out there and stick some fish. Does anybody know if the carp are starting to spawn and Big Creek yet?
i think those are Golden Redhorse

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My first thought is golden redhorse as well, but they're huge, which is not typical of goldens. It is spring running time, so who knows. My second thought is river or greater redhorse, which would be really cool...

... if you're a fish nerd and appreciate oddities like that.
What ever you guys want to call them is fine by me.

On the Upper Iowa River we call them Redhorse Suckers and them suckers are real good on a Ritz cracker.

Have a buddy that cans a bunch each Spring.
Come on now Ghost, you don't want to count lateral line scales, compare odiliths, or look at the completely distinct pharangeal teeth of dozen or so sucker species to get it 100% right?!

Sadly... I do.
Come on now Ghost, you don't want to count lateral line scales, compare odiliths, or look at the completely distinct pharangeal teeth of dozen or so sucker species to get it 100% right?!

Sadly... I do.

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I guess everybody has to have a hobby! I suppose one man's carp is another man's six lateral line scaled, semi round odilith pharangeal fanged sucker.

Like I have said before, something that looks so simple actually has tons of science behind it. Hats off to those of you who can tell us the difference between carps, weeds, trees and bees.

Oh yeah, looks like ya had fun bow fishin.

The 'Bonker
Greater Redhorse is my guess.

They maybe River Redhorse although. Golden Redhorse state record is under 4 lbs. Greater and river redhorse state records are almost 13. The longest one in that picture weighed 7 and some change.

And canned sucker/redhorse on a ritz cracker are another GREAT way to eat them. I had forgot about that. Maybe I will shoot some more tonight and have my father can them. Hmmm....

If you manage to pop any shorthead redhorse let me know... they're superior to all others when pickled.
Pickled Shorthead Redhorse.....
Pickled Shorthead Redhorse.....
Pickled Shorthead Redhorse.....
Pickled Shorthead Redhorse.....
Pickled Shorthead Redhorse.....

I didn't think that was bad Ghost!
wow they are way too big to be goldens, sometimes you cant really tell from the picture
muddy, count me in on being a fish nerd

while were on the redhorse craze, heres what I id'd in the field as a silver and shorthead redhorse
Without seeing a picture of it's lower lip I'd say that upper one is a golden redhorse. Silvers get big, fast.
Here's a 100% Silver, notice the V shaped lower lip.


No offense meant Jared, just fun to talk fish with someone who knows that there are more to minnows than simply being bait.

And no offense to anyone else, because "bait" is very important in this world.
Had no idea we had so many "suckers" in this world.

I couldn't believe how big they got... I pulled one in on the Upper Iowa pretty close to the hog you're hold'n Muddy.
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