OK, when I pull a "carp" outta the water, what are the chances it is really a carp and not some short headed v-lipped red somethin or other? Put another way, if I catch 100 carp outa the river, pick a river, how many of those 100 are gonna be carp carp and not some other kinda carp?
I guess I wanna know so someday when I'm taken grandkids fishin I can say with some authority, "that thing right there is a carp" and not have some grandkid that maybe smarter than me say "you are wrong grampabonker that right there is a longheaded double v lipped redtailed sucker fish" to which my reply will be "If I toll you oncent I toll you a hunert times, ya kain't never listen to nuthin that Muddy fella says, now fetch your grampa his bottle of Makers, his lumbagos a actin up".
The 'Bonker