We have a similar law out here. If you come across a carcass with the head/antlers attached (deer, elk, etc.) or a skull with skin/meat still on it, you are technically supposed to call it in before taking it so AGFD can investigate the possibility of poaching, etc. If you find a bleached skull, you can take it. I've had conversations with our WMs out here and I know what I can and can't get away with when it comes to finding carcasses. However, as a Federal wildlife agent (considered non-LEO Federal agent) working for the largest conservation agency in the country, I don't have the option of questioning grey areas. If I get caught violating or stepping in the grey area of any game laws (no matter the state), I will get the book thrown at me with a "You of all people should know better." I can honestly say I would call it in per the regs (have done it, actually) and sleep well at night knowing I did the right thing. What the other person does is on his conscience.