Doe Harvest During the Rut


PMA Member
What do you guys do? Do you keep harvesting does during the pre-rut or do you focus on just harvesting a buck during this time? Do you think harvesting does during this time could have any effect on your hunt as far as harvesting a buck?
For me it all depends on where I am hunting and what time of the day it is. If I am in an area where getting a doe out is fairly easy I will shoot one towards the end of a morning hunt or early in an evening hunt. I used to think that you would screw up the rest of a hunt by shooting a doe but don't know if that is really true anymore. Just last Saturday I shot a doe that dropped within 15 yards of my tree stand. Since it was early in the evening I just continued to hunt. About 15 minutes before quitting time a 1 1/2 year old buck showed up. He started circling the dead doe, then another 1 1/2 showed up and before it was all over I had 5 bucks around the doe. One was a 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 year old 10 point that would go in the 130's. If I had wanted to shoot this larger buck it would have been easy since he was totally engaged in checking out the doe, spending about 5 minutes within 20 yards of my stand. If you only shoot does before the rut and after the rut it can be difficult to harvest enough of them to meet your QDM goals. Of course I wouldn't shoot a doe that seems to be hot.
I will shoot one anytime one looks at me wrong or gives me trouble
No matter what time of year it is
I take mine out early before pre rut or late season. But, Here in Kansas they only allow us to shoot 2 does.

It may not mess up a stand. I just don't like flinging arrows while the big boys are cruising. Of course unless I'm flinging one at one of the big boys.
But, Here in Kansas they only allow us to shoot 2 does.

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Here they only allow one and Most guys, (90%) wouldn't dream of shooting a doe.......BRUTAL!!!

I wait until the bitter end to shoot mine, that way I can still go out and see what kind of bucks are cruising. Let's me know what may bea round next year and gets a shed wish list in mind.
Kill'm whenever. I had a good buck follow a does trail right to the doe as she lay there. Didn't bother him at all, except that she wouldn't get up and run for him to chase! Just be sure that after you gut them get them out and leave as little of your own scent as possible.
But, Here in Kansas they only allow us to shoot 2 does.

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I really feel sorry for the guys who can only shoot 1 or 2 does a year. In our county (in Iowa) if you add all gun and bow tags alike you can take 2 bucks(one bow, one gun) and up to around 12 does. Not only is that fun, you can get blood on your hands before the big guys come out to play!!
This time of year many of us are sitting in stands we have left vacant all season waiting for the rut. Their is no way Id risk contaminating that kind of area with any extra human scent. Lets just say you happen to make a less than perfect shot on this doe, now you may have to contaminate your entire area with human scent while looking for this deer. When I make my way into a stand I have avoided until now, Im going to do everything possible to stay undetected, and try not to do anything that may compromise that.
thats my opinion anyway, take it for what its worth
if there is no does then theres no bucks i take a yearling in the beginning of the season and fill the rest of my tags after rut seems to work for me
i hate to say it, but i agree with muddy. nothing beats a steaming pile of doe scent. haul her out and gut her somewhere else when you climb down