Excellent points! This is the beutey of online forums, get every different angle. Maybe its NOT agreat idea for everyones style of hunting. My personal feelings are that the stata has it somewhat backwards. The part I think that is backwards is you are obligated to buy an anysex tag first, then you get doe tags from there on out. This MAKES you (If you want to hold out for a buck) buy two $26 tags right off the get go. It appears to be a revenue issue too me. Maybe I look at it wrong, but if the state wants the doe population in check, maybe they could offer the doe tag first, or at least make it an option.
Excellent points! This is the beutey of online forums, get every different angle. Maybe its NOT agreat idea for everyones style of hunting. My personal feelings are that the stata has it somewhat backwards. The part I think that is backwards is you are obligated to buy an anysex tag first, then you get doe tags from there on out. This MAKES you (If you want to hold out for a buck) buy two $26 tags right off the get go. It appears to be a revenue issue too me. Maybe I look at it wrong, but if the state wants the doe population in check, maybe they could offer the doe tag first, or at least make it an option.