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Doe in Estrus Scent/Decoy?


PMA Member
Just wondering who uses Doe in Esrus scent and when? Also, I was wondering if I should use the doe decoy instead of the buck now. I used the buck last weekend and had two bucks come right up to it. Should I remove the antlers? I'm spending all day tomorrow (Thursday)hunting.
Yep, now is the time to switch from using a buck decoy to using a doe decoy. I have seen bucks trailing does already so that is now their biggest interest now. Fighting other bucks is starting to fade away. Use the estrus!
What brand would you recommend? My husband has had problems with the scent spooking the deer.

I used a doe decoy last year and it spooked the does and they starting stomping and snorting all around it. It was one of those flat ones that just came out last year or so. Am I using the wrong kind?
many times i've had does spook at a doe in estrous scent. bucks like it does do not for some reason.
Doe decoy should be fine now and I have been using James Valley Scents for two years now with good success. I would still use the buck decoy for another 4-5 days if you have one. The few does are just now starting to trickle into heat and that rattling over a decoy could stimulate the buck to come in to investigate and look for the estrus doe.
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