Absolutely has to end
Amen to that,that is absolutely sickening
Absolutely has to end
Last Sunday I went to hunt a farm that is one of the few that really does have enough does to justify shooting some. During late Mz in the cold it was common to see 200 deer a night while glassing. Had some friends with me and divided up among the shooting houses. Dropped off the first guy he had a long walk due to the melt and mud before I reached my spot he called and said someone had already hunted from the hut the night before the floor of the hut was covered in brass both 270 and 45pistol. From the hut he counted 13 gut piles and 6 other deer they didn't bother to pick up. I called the landowner and he said he had let some 5 buddy's go down there and said they had shot over 100 times he said they were just does so he didn't think we would mind. By the blood trails and dead deer we figured we figure they had hit at least 25 that weren't recovered. This farm is a lease so we can't say to much but it is the best example of why they need to stop this season. It attracts people who are only interested in live target practice if the season must stay go back shotguns or muzzleloaders.
Yes I do. Just talked to a friend who hunted the weekend and is going back this next. They each filled their 2 tags Saturday and went into town to buy a couple more tags. sadi the wait was about 30 minutes. They filled their other 2 tags and are getting more for this weekend. They don't keep the deer, it's all about being able to take long range shots at deer with a rifle.I know a lot of guys disagree with the antlerless season. I am fortunate enough to have a breat family owned farm to hunt on. I mainly hunt it just during bow season. The family caretakker of the property has a group of guys who hunt the rifle antlerless season each year. I got there tally for there weekend kill fest and they shot 8 does and 2 shed bucks. I know its 100 percent leagal but man I cringe every year about this and have a good feeling that the 2 shed bucks were both hit list bucks for next year. I guess alls a guy can do is hope something new moves in and go from there. I really wish they would put a end to this season!!
Yes I do. Just talked to a friend who hunted the weekend and is going back this next. They each filled their 2 tags Saturday and went into town to buy a couple more tags. sadi the wait was about 30 minutes. They filled their other 2 tags and are getting more for this weekend. They don't keep the deer, it's all about being able to take long range shots at deer with a rifle.
In my personal opinion from a straight management point of view, antlerless is an unneeded season. I am a bow hunter, just like most people on these forums. We all want that chance at the 180+ inch deer in bow range. That is obvious. Antlerless season is not the only poor management aspect this state has (shooting young bucks, party hunting, ETC).
In Warren County they sell 4200 tags a year for antlerless season. 3,427 were sold leaving 773 tags still available. EHD has hit hard in a few different spots in the county. One farm I have permission on produced absolutely nothing this year. 4200 is A LOT of doe tags. Killing does brings down the population, obviously. In the spots were the deer numbers are slim, antlerless hunters can come in and almost wipe out the deer on a farm. That is just a sickening idea, as a bow hunter. I'm sure some of you will agree, and some of you will shoot my idea down, but I feel as if the season needs to be eliminated until the population is healthy and striving like it once was.
Last Sunday I went to hunt a farm that is one of the few that really does have enough does to justify shooting some. During late Mz in the cold it was common to see 200 deer a night while glassing. Had some friends with me and divided up among the shooting houses. Dropped off the first guy he had a long walk due to the melt and mud before I reached my spot he called and said someone had already hunted from the hut the night before the floor of the hut was covered in brass both 270 and 45pistol. From the hut he counted 13 gut piles and 6 other deer they didn't bother to pick up. I called the landowner and he said he had let some 5 buddy's go down there and said they had shot over 100 times he said they were just does so he didn't think we would mind. By the blood trails and dead deer we figured we figure they had hit at least 25 that weren't recovered. This farm is a lease so we can't say to much but it is the best example of why they need to stop this season. It attracts people who are only interested in live target practice if the season must stay go back shotguns or muzzleloaders.
No I do not rent the ground but it is in the lease he has no right to hunting or the timber and honestly he could care less about hunting it is the family member who takes care of the land and lives nearby who has a group of friends who stay with him and rifle hunt,other than that I am the only one who hunts the ground,usually during bow season. The family member could care less about hunting also so im kind of in a hard spot,just makes me sick to see bucks ive been watching for 4 plus years get slaughtered with a high power. I guess I can be thankful they only stick around for a weekend
There are just simply way too many guys that don't "get it". They will keep shooting as long as there are tags, bullets and deer to be had. When they are gone, and ONLY when they are gone, will they then say, "What happened to all of the deer?" or the classic, "The DNR mismanagement caused all the deer to go away...".
Im coming out of my skin just thinking about it.