For health of animal & herd, I like getting does that look like this. When see these all over…. IMO- small but good indicator of deer health. When get a lot of does like this.. These deer & a lot of their nutrition needs are being met & maximized…..
Their area is likely not overpopulated & if Truly most does like that look like that- those deer getting great natural nutrition as well, on and on….
Same logic will impact antlers as well…. Max nutrition (part of their natural diet with woody browse, forbs, legumes, “weeds”, etc”) & then a great crop or crop plot & crop combo - better health & potential is maximized more often.
Deer like this survive tough winters way better too .
Just a tiny thing I look at every year &
Pay close attention to looks of them & general health. Bucks and does & Age classes of all them - at all stages through out the year.
Anyways, here’s my “exciting picture” from today. BIG FAT DOE. Not a Giant one but a nice one….
Their area is likely not overpopulated & if Truly most does like that look like that- those deer getting great natural nutrition as well, on and on….
Same logic will impact antlers as well…. Max nutrition (part of their natural diet with woody browse, forbs, legumes, “weeds”, etc”) & then a great crop or crop plot & crop combo - better health & potential is maximized more often.
Deer like this survive tough winters way better too .
Just a tiny thing I look at every year &
Pay close attention to looks of them & general health. Bucks and does & Age classes of all them - at all stages through out the year.
Anyways, here’s my “exciting picture” from today. BIG FAT DOE. Not a Giant one but a nice one….