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Doesnt make Pope and Young


If they get your heart racing, shoot 'em. Screw net, give me gross score any day.

What's important is that he made YOUR book...and we all know he did that from the excitement in your words and the rush we all got to share in by reading about your hunt, and what it meant to you then- AND SHOULD ALWAYS...no matter what the "SCORE"!!

Congratulations on a trophy ANYONE would be proud to take w/ stick and string...even Saxton Pope and Art Young themselves!!

Nice buck!!!

The "book" is overrated. Maybe if they could come up with a way to score the "whole experience" we'd have something.

If they get your heart racing, shoot 'em. Screw net, give me gross score any day.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pure poetry! Muddy for IW Poet Laureate!!
I'll take a different road than many who have posted. Being a P&Y scorer I am biased and will admit it. Really hate the argument for Gross score only. If size was all that mattered we'd all lay awake dreaming of Rosanne, and we know that ain't true. Grace and symmetry matter as well when it comes to quantifying an animals score.. So does spread. If you don't believe that, put a 160" with a 12" spread next to a 140 with an 18" spread and see which one catches your eye.
Now I will agree with you whole heartedly on the minimum entry for a Non typical. Typical 125 Non typical 155. that's 30". B&C is 170 and 190 or 20" with a much higher entry. If you do the math you will see the difference of typical to non typical when compared to the minimum entry of the typical is almost twice, that of B&C. I have seen a "Bunch" of nice trophies such as yours that won't make it. I would really like to see them drop the NT min to the 145 range or maybe more realistically raise the typical to say 135. Although a 125 can be tough to come by and many hunters never get the chance for one. When compared to really upper end deer, a 125 is a piker. 135 ain't much better, but personally I think it would be a better minimum level.
Others are right though and don't let it taint your trophy, or your attitude. It is a great deer. There aren't many on this sight or others, who would let that guy walk. The book is great and has it's place. Just don't let it be the driver in your quest. Relax, enjoy the hunt cherish the memories, and sleep well at night.
Don't get too upset Corey....Net score is just another number that in my opinion takes away from the buck's overall antler size. The buck you shot is a true dandy as anyone can see and I would be proud to have shot him any fall afield.

As far as entry into the books, your choice there bud. When it comes down too it, the deer is your harvest regardless of the score and as long as you were proud to make the harvest, it goes down in your own books as a memorable hunt.

As far as the current scoring systems, I think the American Big Game and Fish Records recognizes the animal for what it is and makes it the better system.

(P&Y still bugs me with the whole 80% LO and astrik thingy???????)
Congratulations on two beautiful bucks. My opinion, like many of the others is Pope and Who?? They do NOT determine what a trophy is in my book. I've never registered anything with P&Y and most likely never will. The money is better spent on the mount.

Besides, every time someone registers a buck with them it just tallies one more in the IOWA column and that will attract more of us NR's to want to hunt in IOWA.
Dandy looking bucks..that's for sure. Books are exactly what they are. A piece of paper with some writing on it. If you feel like you want to enter it and see your name there with a score next to it and get a little piece of authentication paper for you to frame and hang on your wall, more power to you. I don't think I'd enter anything in the books simply because of what you are talking about. I simply go by the gross score because that's what mamma/dad gave him! Only a gross score gives a person an idea of what it looks like. Not to mention I like bucks with kickers, stickers, drop tines and junk all over the place. If I am ever lucky enough to harvest an animal like that, there will be too many deductions to even consider a "book" buck. ha, ha But that's fine with me because it will be on my wall where I can see it everyday.
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