Daver, like some have said patience is a virtue. A couple of things, don't use the command "come" if you either can't or won't enforce it. If your pup won't come to you then be prepared to make her come every time you say it or else she gets the idea that the only time she needs to obey is when she is on a lead, not what you want, and make sure that everyone in the house goes by the same rules. Until she really starts to understand what you want you might try treats along with lots of praise when ever she does it right. If you have to drag her in don't giver her either, if she comes in with little or no pressure on the check cord use both. Once she understands this on the check cord, conditioner her to the collar at the lowest level that will give a reaction, while still using the check cord. When you command "come" give a little tug on the cord and a small nick, or stimulation, and when she comes in give praise and treats. As you progress, if your collar has a tone button start to use the tone then a tug and then the nick if needed, then work down to just the tone but keep her on the check cord until she responds every time. Then work up to no cord and use the tone and then the nick and the treat when ever she responds to just the tone and the command, and then your are done. Simple huh!