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Double Bull Blinds


New Member
I've seen a few threads on the DB blinds and haven't seen any complaints so I'm thinking of getting one. I'm wondering where everyone has bought their blind from. I see from the DB website that there aren't many dealers in Iowa and the closest dealer to me is Scheels in Iowa City. I drove over there last weekend and they have the new T5 Prostaff ($449) and the T5 Import ($349). Is there justification to pay the extra $100 for the prostaff? My primary purpose for the blind is to bowhunt turkey and possibly deer. Thanks in advance.
That is a good question. From what I understand the fabric is a little stiffer and the hubs are a little different in the I5. Is it $100 worth? I think that is an individual decision. I might suggest calling the guys at Double Bull they are great guys and would be more than happy to tell you the differences. It is my feeling if you can talk to the guys that are building them you are getting the straight answer. After you buy one they really do take care of you. I have never heard a bad word about their customer service but have heard many great stories. I have called them once and couldn't get them off the phone because we started talking hunting. Great company. Good luck and you can't go wrong with one they are a lot of fun.
The BS5 Prostaffer and the Import that we have at Scheel's are basically the same blind with a few different things. The hubs are the same, that is for sure and for certain. Last years i50 had plastic hubs the Import 50 has aluminum hubs exactly like the BS5. The Import has double black backing and the rods are a bit diferent. The BS5 prostaffer has single black backing, a big black dropcloth to help keep sil-o-etting (spelling) to a minimum, and a scent flap on the bottom. In my opinion if you plan on bowhunting deer I'd go with the BS5 prostaffer for the big window. The import is fine for turkeys and I'm sure you can improvise for deer if need be. The fabric is tighter on the prostaffer for some reason we cannot figure out and that makes the prostaffer about 3 inches taller, which I like. It's totally up to you though. I am working this weekend BiMo, if you want to come in and go through both blinds and hear every painstaking detail look for Matt in the archery section. Talk to ya later.
Are you sure you didn't describe the BS5? I didn't think the T5 prostaffer had the drop curtain and the scent flap? May be wrong but I thought the T5 Pro stayed the same and the Bs5 was the one that had the curtain and scent flap? Just curious if they changed the T5 Pro?
I'd recommend buying a model that has a roof vent. It gets pretty dang hot in the Double Bull blind when the sun beats down on it while turkey hunting on a warm day. If you shoot a recurve or longbow, you definitely need to buy the recurve model which gives you more bow tip clearance.
I edited my post. BiMo said he was at Scheel's so I just called the BS5 the "prostaffer" so there weren't so many abbreviations! Forgot they still have the T5 prostafrer still. The T5 pro does not have drop cloth or scent drop cloth around it, it is still the same as it was, you could special order one like that though. Sorry for the confusion Limb, must be the water down there in IC makin ya slow in the afternoons.
I recently purchased the new Import 5..... it looks to be an awesome blind. The fabric is very heavy weight and blackened on the back. It does have a roof vent and aluminum hubs and BLACK support poles (the other models used to have white, and I think they still do)..... the guys at Double Bull said that the I-5 is the same dimensions as the prostaffer. It appears to be extremely well constructed...... I personally could not see the need to spend an extra $100 bucks on the other model..... apparently several others did as well..... DB has been sold out of them for a few months now.
Thanks for all the good advice, information and replies. Muddy, I'll take you up on your offer this weekend... I'll see you on Saturday morning.

One more question: How well do the blinds with roof zippers hold up in rain? It seems that the water would seep in through the zipper area during a down pour. I'm not expecting to stay bone dry, but I'm hoping to leave the rain gear in the truck.


Just FYI, I won't be there till around 10:30 or so. Hope to see you there, I suppose I'll have to put my "honest" face on, eh?
Muddy gave my wife and I the grand tour of blinds a few Sundays ago. He had us walking
back and forth to each blind, my head was spinning. Then he told us, he could have
the T5 set up in 8 seconds. I rolled my eyes,as I looked at my wife. By gosh,if he
didnt do it. I was very impressed, of course with Muddy and the blind. I'll be back some
day with the loot to buy it. Make sure you ask for the free drinks and food before
your tour starts. (he,he)
Thanks for the kind words stuffy, I seem to get more thanks here than at the store!! Be careful not to say too much otherwise my bosses who read here at iowawhitetail are going to start expecting more out of me!! Right Jeremy?

One of the managers read your post about the 8 seconds and today while setting the blind up I got timed. I was threatened with no lunch break if I couldn't do it in under 8 seconds...of course about 10 people were watching and, wha-la, 6 seconds on the stop watch! I got my tie caught under my knee which was amusing but I got some lunch! Just thought you'd appreciate that little story.
I've got to hand to you Muddy, I saw you throw the blind up today in a matter of seconds and you're good. After I bought the Import 5 today and returned home, I attempted to set it up and rather than 6 seconds, it took me more like 6 minutes. Hopefully, I'll get plenty of practice in the field during the upcoming turkey season. Thanks again for all your help today.


Just like with shooting a bow, gun, or basketball all I can say to you is practice, practice, practice. I do that blind schpeel about 10 times a day while at work! At the end of the video I gave you they go through the process so watch the video and try try again. If you still have problems let me know and we'll get it figured out. I appreciate you stopping in and seeing me.
BiMo, It is just a practice thing. I bought one a few years back when they were just becoming readily available. There were 3 models I think. I have a 5600? Muddy might be able to remember. It took me longer than the video until I did it enough to get my own system down of where to start. (You have to show it who's boss)

I think is is a worthwhile product even for the cost. Based on my previous 15 years experience with my own homemade blind. I feel it would be easy to get that kind of service from a double bull if you take care of it.

What impressed me initially was my contact directly with Double Bull when I had questions about the blinds as I had not actually seen one. I called and one of the actual owners/fellow hunter answered the phone and gave me all the details of weight, etc...just like we exchange info here. I like that kind of service. Have fun with it.
I have a DB pro staffer and it works well for me. Is there a possibility that somehow my hubs are turned around and or my rods get stuck when I try to put it up. I have such a problem getting it up at times. Sometimes it goes quickly and other times I start cussing. I can take the the thing down most of the time in a matter of seconds. Putting it up is another adventure. I lay it flat as suppose to and push through the hubs making sure I follow the prescribed sequence. I think it is harder to put up now than when I first bought it. It does not seem to lay down as flat as it should prior to pushing thru it. Is it just me!!!
Does anyone know what the black strings are used for? While watching the DB video, I didn't see them mention anything about the strings and their purpose. Any ideas Muddy?
I carry an old sock full of aluminum tent pegs for the corners and the front of my T2. I have only used the outside anchor strings once- tied to a sapling the string kept the side from popping the hub. It was REALLY windy. A friend has a T5, he uses the strings as anchors & never stakes the corners.
What you can use the strings for is to time them together around the oustside of the blind. You can then push brush thru them help conceal your blind that much more. You really don't need them to help hold your blind down. Stakes will do the job. Make sure you untie them though before you take your blind down. They do a good job of holding the brush in place if they are tight enough.

Without seeing the blind it's tough to say what the problem is. It sounds as if the blind is fine to me. Sometimes when I try to push the blind up the front hub square section doesn't fall out properly, to correct that lift up on the roof hub and shake gently, that fixes it.


The black strings are for tying together around the blind and stuffing branches and such in. That's what I use them for on mine. Also aid if it's really windy and you don't have stakes so you can tie to a tree or fence.

Any other questions feel free to ask.
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