Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Double Whammy!


PMA Member
Yesterday evening, the 16th, I skipped my last class and decided to go out bowhunting. I left a little earlier than usual because I wanted to trim a shooting lane at a different stand across the property I hunt (missed a 'yote there last Sunday). After that, I headed over to my other stand, checked a couple trail-cams and was just about to step into the timber along the edge of a standing corn field when a hen busted out and flew away right in-front of me.
I could hear other hens in the brush still and they started yelping about 10-15 yards away. Apparently they hadn't seen me yet. I quickly nocked a "sharp-stick" and realized I didn't have my release on.
When I started bowhunting when I was 12, I always shot instinctively with three fingers with my first compound, so I had to go back to those days.
I drew my bow and side shuffled to the trail that the hens were standing on. One was standing there at 10 yards broadside and not moving. I couldn't quite see my sight pin because my string was twisted from pulling back with my fingers. I held where I thought the pin was and let 'er fly. I smoked her right at the butt of the wing with a rage 2-blade, PERFECT! She ran about 10 yards and dropped. I couldn't believe the blood trail she left. I've killed deer that left less of a blood trail then this 11 pound hen.
This was all about 50 yards from my deer stand. I got up in the stand and then all of the other hens started yelping again. I voice yelped and called them all back in to 25 yards. They left again, then started yelping yet again. I decided to mess with them and started playing some turkey purrs and KeeKee mp3's that I have on my phone for ringtones.. They loved it. They were doing the KeeKee's back to me like crazy and then they all came to within 5 yards of my tree.
A little while later, I heard some footsteps, so I stood up and two does were already 10 yds away and closing to the base of my tree. I didn't want to shoot a doe out of this stand because it is my "buck stand", but, since I had already shot a turkey, I thought it would be neat and harvest a doe also, and then maybe even a buck. One of the does stepped into my 15 yard shooting lane and I put a Rage in the Cage. She ran about 60 yards and dropped. The other doe turned around and then stopped right where I had just shot the first doe. I contemplated shooting her also, but, I figured I gotta leave something for the boys to chase around in a couple weeks. The doe ended up field dressing at 129lbs.

Congrats. If I'd have forgot my release I would be done. I have tried it before with about a 75% arrow loss rate....:grin:

Nice job with the finger shooting. That is a lot harder than one might think.:way:
Nothing like harvesting to different species within minutes of each other. Congrats! :way:
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