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Doves..."the hard way" UPDATE

Re: Doves..."the hard way" Updated !!!!!

Nice feat Jay. I watched a guy use the bird points trying for pheasant. He never did get one but he came damb close several times. Of course most of his misses were a bit behind. I have that same problem only I use a shotgun.......
Re: Doves..."the hard way" Updated !!!!!

That is to cool. Great shooting~!! get some more it makes my mouth water. I miss hunting them.
Re: Doves..."the hard way" Updated !!!!!

What does it take to claim a "feathered slam"?

[/ QUOTE ]

Good question

I suppose there would be the "Upland Slam"
Pheasant, Dove, Quail, Turkey

Then there would be the "Flyway Slam"
Canadian goose, Snow goose, Mallard, Teal.
Just some thoughts

I'm just a quail away from a "Upland Feathered Slam"
I've got a ton of quail here and may have to get some snaro's and try for one when the season gets here.
Re: Doves..."the hard way" Updated !!!!!

It was my third time out and the seventh shot. I don't think I ever did any better odds with a shotgun.
I'd really like to do it again and get it on video, but deer season starts the 15th and I really need to start concentrating more on it. I may get out this weekend more but after that it may come to an end.
Re: Doves..."the hard way" Updated !!!!!

7????? Heck, I was thinking more like 70! Congrats!

Video would definately be cool. On one of the hunting shows the very last thing they show is a fly getting knocked out of the air by an arrow in slo-mo. Pretty sweet, but I have to wonder how long that took...
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