He always has great articles. It starts out for the everyday hunter (which we need as most hunters still don’t understand this stuff). Then- gets more detailed on the strains, when it was discovered, how it impacts things, etc. Impacts of EHD & CWD …. Worth the read. EHD IMO is the biggest disease threat we will deal with. CWD…. I personally think we all need a very healthy level of skepticism based on the dollars paid for testing & no clear funding for a cure…. All the killing & testing in the world without a cure is all for nothing.

EHD vs. CWD: Which Deer Disease is Actually Deadlier? - North American Whitetail
Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease and Chronic Wasting Disease aren't the same illness, though many hunters confuse the two. In fact, one kills far more whitetails than the other, and (contrary to what you might read online) we'll explain which.