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Drilling corn, beans, sorghum , milo


PMA Member
I am a farmer and last year bought a Great Plains no-till drill to plant my soybeans. I was also looking forward to using it for food plots. I drilled a couple of plots with RR soybeans and at the last minute threw in a little seed corn, thinking if some of it grew it would give the deer a little overhead cover and me a little "sneaking " cover as well. I was surprised at how well the corn grew and produced ears. I thought the drill would plant the corn too shallow to produce much of a crop. Now I'm thinking I want to crank up the pop. of the corn and try to make a soy-corn plot every year. My goal is to get enough N out of the soys every year to make a respectable corn crop also. I also planted some PF and DNR food plots in milo sorghum corn sunflower combinations and it all grew when planted at the same depth. Was I just lucky or do you think all this seed planted at the same depth will always turn out OK?
I think it will plant corn just fine unless you have a very dry spell early on.

Lot's of folks broadcast corn, soys and milo and get good stands if the disc it in lightly before cultipacking it.

Keep us informed how it works again this year and try to get us some pics as well. Yoy can always email pics to me if your not comfortable posting at:

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