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Drop-Aways ??

K. We will put it on your bow and drop it...
Well I love the full containment rests like the Bisket but I love drop aways, so I decided to try the

QAD Ultra Rest Pro LD and have had them on 3 different bows now, love them for spotting and stalking.

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I also switched from the biscuit to the QAD ultra full containment drop away. I have always had a problem with knocking the arrow of the rest so I was always afraid of a regular drop away. The QAD prevents that and doesn't tear up your fletches like a biscuit does.
Can someone post a link to the Trophy Taker FC ?? I have not been able to find it on the web but then again I am sometimes mentally challenged
Check out Spot Hogg's website and watch the video of the Whammy in action. Pretty impressive. I'm torn between the Guardian and the Vectrix but whichever I choose the Whammy is going to be on it. It seems like the best of both worlds - a drop away with great arrow capture. If you watch the video you'll actually see a guy turning the bow from side to side with the arrow staying in place.
Ok, I'm no bow mechanic so maybe you guys can enlighten me. Why do you want the rest to support the arrow for so long during the shot (as shown on the video)? I thought half the point of the drop aways was to get it away from the arrow ASAP to reduce the chances of bow movement effecting the arrow during the shot process? Or it seems like I remember that being one of the selling claims a few years back anyway.
One thing I did notice from the video was that most of those rests bounced after they dropped, that must surely result in some noise I'd think. I kind of liked the way the Drop Zone looked there, though I'm not a fan of the TR stuff in general.

I did notice from the video was that most of those rests bounced after they dropped

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This is the next rest Im looking at,it is the Ultra-Rest LD (lock down no bounce) from Quality Archery Designs. They have a vidio also but im not that computer savy to put it on this post. Its at qadinc.com.


Ok got it figured out
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