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Dry weather--- antler growth?

I am not concerned, My ponds and creeks are low, but water is not an issue. I have had mineral and licks out since Jan. Timber areas are thick and lush. Yes, it is hot, but it is summer. This is an issue every year and you always have deer that don't make it, that is just part of mother nature. I do what I can and don't fret about the stuff I can't control.
There was an article many years back on this topic in NW White Tail. Drought causes a decrease in antler size due to the animal not receiving adequate amounts of nutrients from the lack of forage. The nutrients that were available, went to the maintenance and upkeep of the skeletal system and other organs.
On the other hand, excessive amounts of rain over long periods has a some what similar effect though not as extreme. Too much rain causes nutrients to get washed out of soils that would be transferred to the buck's head gear through foraging.
The study was based on Texas deer, where droughts as well as excessive rains from Gulf Storms allowed the study to be performed.

Actually was a 3or4pt series called "Growing Superbucks" I believe, in the late 90's and I have referenced it many times, good stuff out of Canada from the velvet industry biologists hidden in there. But more to the point, the same article you are referring to also talked about in normal healthy buck antler growth they rob from their skeletal system, mostly the ribs, and once antler growth stops bone density returns to normal over a short period of time. Kinda like short-term osteoporosis. If they are stressed hard then antler growth will be diminished, robbing from the skeletal system will stop and as you stated animal survival will take over. It's interesting to me what biological changes these animals go through to grow antlers, and elk geez
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I'm no expert on the subject so this is nothing more than my two cents on the subject so take it for what it is.

As others have said, the lack of rain isn't so much what would effect antler growth as it is the trickle down effect that drought could possibly bring. If drought was severe you would loose "x" amount of the crops in the area and have "x" amount less natural forage for the deer to browse. That in effect would lead to less nutrient intake by the deer and in turn less antler growth.

I places like Iowa (or even where I'm at in Michigan) the crops are doing fine despite the dry, hot conditions and the woods are as thick as ever with natural browse. We had a frost after our early heat wave which smoked our apple trees pretty hard but outside of that all the other food normally available to the deer is there and doing well. I wouldn't expect to see any noticeable effects on antler size in our area.

For the overall health of the deer a waterhole, river, pond, etc is a huge plus and the dry weather could have an effect on the availablility of some normal water holes but I'd imagine the deer will find the water they need and adjust accordingly for a while till their traditional areas return to normal.

The other concern on years like this is EHD as the warm spring and mild winter that we've experienced can lead to increased numbers of insects. I know the mosquitos at our place in Michigan this year are just ridiculous, way worse than they were last year for sure. I'd imagine the same could be said for the fly population as well.
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