Well-Known Member
Has DSD said what the estimated price of the strutter? I figured I would start saving a dollar a day till next spring, hopefully that will cover it.
Maybe $2.00 a day might get you close.
Has DSD said what the estimated price of the strutter? I figured I would start saving a dollar a day till next spring, hopefully that will cover it.
Damn, Ive never seen anything but empty beer cans on that counter.
Originally Posted by DoubleDropTines
Damn, Ive never seen anything but empty beer cans on that counter.
What counter??????
Anyone see the new Delta turkey decoys that came out this year?
Sneaky Pete Jake and others? Looks pretty good and only $34.99.
Saw them in the Cabela's spring magazine.
Have not seen them in person and wondered if some of you have?
I think you're begining to think too much Tony! If you have the $$$ and like the DSD's, pull the trigger! You said yourself that you finally have the extra $$$ now, enjoy it!
Have the money but I am tight as you.
I can appreciate that, now go buy the DSD.
I might try a charcoal bag first. Will be a lot cheaper. :grin:
Our pet turkeys always used to get it on with a blue motorcycle helmet. I still have it if anyone wants to try it