death from above
For bowhunting, I can see the value as you need to get them CLOSE with confidence. But with a gun there is no need.
I completely disagree with this statement( no offense) For example, I have my 835, 3.5 inch 12 ga, backbored with a .670 Pure Gold choke, and I shoot 2 7/16 oz, straight 7 Nitro hand loads (getting over 300 hits in a 10 inch circle at 30 yds) and I can very confidently say that my bow is just as effective out to a longer range than my 12 guage. I would not shoot at a gobbler over 45 with my shotgun, and I would have no problem shooting at a strutting gobbler at 60 with my bow(under the right conditions). Im not trying to cause an argument here, but I never understood the misconception people have that shotguns have a more effective range than a bow. Just the contrary if you ask me.
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