Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Dumb Coon


New Member
Some pics of some coon probably eating berries from the mulberry tree above my salt block.

Averaged around $12 per hide on those buggers last year. I see 4 or 5 18 packs worth there.
Throw out some traps and thin them out this fall. Cool pics by the way.
Averaged around $12 per hide on those buggers last year. I see 4 or 5 18 packs worth there.
Throw out some traps and thin them out this fall. Cool pics by the way.

[/ QUOTE ] When is the best time to shoot them to get the best price? I'm going to clean house on my woods this winter.
IF IT GETS COLD ANY TIME AFTER NOVEMBER 1 St. Get some traps ready !! Conabear with boxes or live traps. let me know if you need more info on the trapping !! P.s. if you sell the furs you need a fur harvester license.
Averaged around $12 per hide on those buggers last year. I see 4 or 5 18 packs worth there.
Throw out some traps and thin them out this fall. Cool pics by the way.

[/ QUOTE ] When is the best time to shoot them to get the best price? I'm going to clean house on my woods this winter.

[/ QUOTE ] I've got some buddies that I run hounds with every fall. If you want to thin them out quick, a couple good hounds, a bright light and a .22 are the ticket. Live traps are good too. Scatter a bag of marshmallows around one of your feeders a week before coon season, then on opening day bait up 8 or 10 live traps with marshmallows. You'll have a masked bandit in every trap!
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