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Early morning gobbler


As in any hunt there is a story of some kind. Yesterday afternoon I put my double bull matrix a couple of hundred yards from the spot We had it on Sunday morning when I took a friend out with his 12 year old daughter who had a shot at a tom that jumped the lead
. Today unlike Sunday the toms were very quiet, until I invited them to an early morning chat. This patricular tom only sounded off twice in the tree before hitting the ground at 6:15. A hen had also decended a couple of minutes earlier, she passed by not wanting to join the decoys and the tom couldn't decide what his pleasure was to be, he finally thought the real thing might be more rewarding
He layed down two more gobbles and was heading for the matrix. 35 yards was as close as he was to get [which is plenty far for a barebow finger shooter] when I laced him, he ran a few steps and expired, feet in the air. The time 6:30. 22# - 9" beard - 1" spurs
Way to go!!!!
a dead bird is a dead bird no matter how you slice it!!!
Congrats on a cool kill!!
Looking good there jeff. Can't wait to put the hurt on them friday morning. I can almost hear them gobbling from the office.
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