Easier way?

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Well-Known Member
I've been putting up No Hunting tires and No Fishing tires up and somebody keeps stealing them...I figured since this was probably the easiest way to make signs I would do this. But now I'm wondering if there's a more permanent way because people keep stealing the tires then proceeding to drive onto the place and spin out and do cookies in the field. I'm not at this property 24/7 so it's tough to monitor.

I was thinking about putting Ghost Chilli Pepper on them. Maybe even rigging them up to a horse fencer ;)

People are retards, that's all I have to say.
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Trust me, there is never a good way other than telling the sheriff to keep tabs. My brother in laws new property up in Cerro Gordo county, tons of people tresspass. He didnt think he would have the problem since it is gated and is next to a quarry haul road, but that just seems to invite more people. All the signs and photos of people given to the sheriff help, but just not permanent way.
I like the pepper trick. Maybe a couple well placed 2x6's with some 16 penny nails, pointy side up? Not sure on the legality of that..... although they are the ones trespassing so I wouldn't think you could get in trouble for that..
I say use reverse psychology. Put up signs advertising great hunting. Maybe folks will read it and think the place must be hunted so hard there's nothing left in there and bypass it.
I hunt private land and its not so private anymore. I go out there on any given day from 5am-8pm and there is always trucks there.

Contacted the land owner and she said nothing she can do. Sheriff wont do anything either. Because walking in to find them is not going to happen.
Lay inside your fence one Saturday night with an AR 15 full of blank cartridges ! When they roll up dump 30 rounds into the ground ! That'll end it , word among young idiots travels fast.
If you need more tires I can help!

Seriously though, is there a neighbor close that can help ya watch it? Or are the neighbors the root cause of the problem?
Some people just think they are entitled to everything. I carry my pistol and patrol the ground regularly, and have a neighbor that is active about watching and calling the sheriff, which is a huge plus.... One of the guys down the road has an IW sticker on his Ford truck, I need to get his help in keeping people off ;)
You can put up the property monitered by cameras 24/7 signs. Worked for us. It takes the word of one person getting caught to deter a lot of people
Idk if there are any tall trees nearby that you could take a ladder and put up a trail camera high so they won't notice it
Id set a trailcam up high enough that they cannot see it and then put a old crappy camera eye level with your name written on it and the other trail cam pointed on it, that way you can get them for both trespassing and theft.
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