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Easton FMJ's


Active Member
I am looking at getting some easton FMJ's for this years hunting season. However, I had a friend tell me the other day that they had some problems with last years models of FMJ's bending or something but have made improvements with this years model? Can anyone validate this?

For those of you that shoot them, are they worth the extra money?
I really like mine. They penetrate like crazy. I wouldn't hestitate to get them. I haven't had any bending problems.
I got a dozen last winter. Made them up and used them turkey hunting. Shot 3 turkeys and went through all 3. Haven't done that since the aluminum days. Going moose hunting with them this fall. I love them.
I had them for about a month. After that I got rid of them. They just don't last as long as some gold tip's.

They are much easier to crimp and bend then carbon's.

I do believe they would put a hurtin on a deer though. The design I think would add some kinetic energy for sure. I just can't justify buying these again just for hunting w/ out the durability. i like to shoot alot and when I put them close and run on the side of one another I had little dents in the shafts. Not to mention if you hit like a shaft in a 3d target they bend or crimp.

Those were my experiences so they got "the shaft".
I always thought they were a gimmick...why put something that will bend around something that won't. I got some black ones for turkey hunting...don't need tough arrows to head shoot turkeys after all. I stump shoot a lot; I have yet to bend one. In fack, I did a little test on our steel plate deer. Attached is a pic showing a destroyed Snuffer and split Judo point along with the perfectly straight FMJ (bought some camo ones I liked them so much) that I used for both shots.

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