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Effective Range

Until last year, I was almost always hunting interior timber locations rather than field edges. Hence, none of my kills have ever been over 35, most 25 +/-.

I now have a property which I hunt more PM setups over fields and would probably stretch to 40 only under really stable shooting conditions. I practice up to 60 yards and group real tight from 45 on in.
i practice out to 80, mostly because its fun a challenge and really demands perfect form.. my furthest shot on a deer was 53 yards and i doubt I'd ever shoot past 60-65 yards at a deer
30 yards and in for me. I could probably do 40 but prefer not to. anytime you get out to that range and beyond, more variables come into play that could cause you to miss your target and wound an animal. Aside from that, one of the reasons I bow hunt is to get close to the animal. Nothing matches the rush of a big buck walking 20 yards or closer to your stand. I think a lot of guys let their egos get the best of them and take unethical shots they probably shouldn't take. There is a big difference hitting a inanimate object from 60 yards on the ground, all ranged out with unlimited time to make the shot vs. hitting a deer at 60 yards with your adrenalin pumping 100mph. My rule is if i'm not 100% at a particular distance when I practice, then i shouldn't be taking that shot while hunting.
Why would you fling a long shot arrow at a coyote but not a deer? I know coyotes are not a trophy animal but all animals deserve the same respect decency of a quick kill?

They deserve the same respect. But past experience shows that deer are larger & harder to kill than a coyote. Nothing against coyotes....
Funny this came up...this is my first year bowhunting and I bought a used bow that came with 4 arrows to practice with at first (not to my length etc). I got my new arrows and went and shot them for the first time. I shot one of the practice arrows that my buddy gave me with the bow at 30 and I hit the deer target in the kill zone. I shot with 2 of my new arrows and they stuck in the tree 2 or 3 feet over the deer target's back. Haha, so right now my range is about 15 yards until I get my sight adjusted haha. I guess this is part of the learning process : )
Last year my effective range was 53 yards,But i have had some years that i was uneffective at 10 yards.This year im just hoping to see one that i can be effective on.
Longest confirmed kill shot was 63 yards. Lots of confirmed hits between 75-145 but none recovered.
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