A few weeks ago I was over there and found a few dead deer, not many. Numbers are lower for sure than normal. Was finding more dead turkeys than anything which has me nervous
I am very curious, to what would you attribute the dead turkeys to? I ask because our farm in SE Iowa has I would estimate only about 10%-15% of the turkey population we had 5 or more years ago. Although there aren't enough live ones around nowadays to produce too many dead ones, back three or four years ago we were finding dead turks with frequency. I have been out and about in the late winter/early spring woods for over 30 years and until just a few years ago I cannot recall finding a dead adult turkey. I will also note that when we were finding them, we were finding them in the summer time too. Then we usually came across them while mowing, but we found a fair number during the typical shed hunting season. Also, neighbors were experiencing the same thing. So whatever was happening was going on "around", not just on our place. Take a drive through the countryside now in the spring in that general area...you might see a handful of turks, where 5 or more years ago the same drive would show dozens and dozens. I am truly puzzled by this. I know we have multiple wet springs and nesting success has to be a big factor in the low numbers, but wet springs don't explain the dead adults that we were finding either.
Bobcats are pry what are killing your turkeys.
You're killing me here Bowtech!The reason I say that is that I have described the dead adult turk situation I wrote about above in detail to a number of people and on multiple occasions I have people very sincerely argue with me that there is no way that these dead turks are the cause of bobcats. There was a study done that showed that bobcats didn't eat turks, etc...
Actually, some of the posters here on IW heard me have this same conversation at the DNR public input meeting about a month ago and the short version is that one of the DNR reps himself assured me that bobcats don't kill turkeys, at least in any measurable number. (Note - there were 5 IW'ers at the Solon meeting that I attended that night and at least 2 of them, not counting myself, were in the room when this discussion was held.)
Didn't someone on here have a great game camera photo of a bobcat pouncing on a turkey?
I swear it was on here?
Thread is about deer numbers not whos cat is killing turkeys. Also I dont think people realize how much snow we had in northeast Iowa the deer were starving entering March and snow was 3 ft deep with a hard icy crust. Combine this winter with some ehd and major over harvesting of does, thanks to our Great dnr and farm bureau we have numbers worse than we have seen in 20 years. Who cares about turkeys living? Id rather shoot a mature buck anyday
Thread is about deer numbers not whos cat is killing turkeys. Also I dont think people realize how much snow we had in northeast Iowa the deer were starving entering March and snow was 3 ft deep with a hard icy crust. Combine this winter with some ehd and major over harvesting of does, thanks to our Great dnr and farm bureau we have numbers worse than we have seen in 20 years. Who cares about turkeys living? Id rather shoot a mature buck anyday