Fair enough on above. I’m not saying get rid of cattle. Yes- they impacted milk river & milk river massive die offs from ehd/BT were so incredibly devastating. The deer there had not dealt with those strains like they have in the south & was so shocking because of that. Fair points above but not clearly cattle are going no where & government are not going to fight cattle industry.
No one can get rid of cattle but sure doesn’t mean we can’t understand the reality. I’m not an “expert” but I’ve sure talked to a lot of them & the facts & Logic support it. In a nutshell conveying what I learned....
7 strains EHD & BT. Cattle are vectors of the disease & strains. Usually does not kill them & virus is harbored by them. Often times cattle show no symptoms. Midges bite infected cows- bite deer- game over. New strains are brought in from transport of cattle and some strains for deadlier than others or different reactions. Deer gets infected with new strain- midges continue to bite it and then bite other deer- transmission of disease yet again.
Cattle also create more stagnant water where midges flourish. New ehd/BT strains come in with new cows & big midge hatch within a “mile or so” (how far midges can reach with breeze)- impact.
The northern incidence of ehd/BT has been on drastic rise over the last 20 years. It’s not a new disease but the impact has sky rocketed & data supports it. Areas where 1 strain has never been found are now being found. The dynamics have changed.
No one is going to get rid of cows. They will laugh if deer hunters ask them to.

. Just stating the facts & data as I’ve understood it from the experts and research I’ve read.
See chart below. Ehd & cattle populations. Another KEY observation!!!!..... areas with no ehd/BT break outs listed here (say MI for one example) have been ravaged by the disease in the past 7 years where it was not happening before.