PMA Member
In 2004 I had the week off and I wanted to vote so I came home Monday night. I was at the town hall at 7:00 was the fourth voter. Then I jumped in the truck for the hour drive to hunt. I was moving mid afternoon to a different tree. I seen a buck on the ridge and rattled him in. I shot him at 7 yards at the time I was shooting Barebow and razor sharp Zwickey Broadheads.
The alarm went off at 2:30 this morning to start a five day hunt. I did the usual packing in the LW and three sticks and doing the hang and hunt thing. On the drive down I decided to go to a different spot that I haven't hunted in the rut for several years. The thought entered my mind that it would be neat to kill another buck on Election Day.
I had the stand setup at 5:00 ( I'm never late) After set up I laid by the base of the tree to sleep as I had a lot of time to wait. I was anxious for the hunt to start so I got in the stand at 5:45 and get on IW. I set the stand on a transition zone where thick brush parallels more open woods. These zones have been good to me over the years as deer love to use them. A little after 6:00 I heard leaves rusting and heard a few soft grunts as he was tending his female friend.
To make this shorter these deer were by me for 45 minutes they just stood there. In all they moved 50 yards in the time frame. I just kept praying for it to get light as I might pull this off. Now the buck is behind me and I can't get the shot and its legal shooting time plus the doe is looking at me and the buck is wondering what's going on it was very stressful. Finally she heads north and he follows her slowly but just enough to get the 25 yard shot. I loosed the arrow tipped with a 100 grain Solid Legend and he was done. I looked at my phone and it was 6:41. Its still hard for to believe that I was able to get it done but luck did happen to me today.

After I had him tagged and dressed and photo session over I sat on the ground for a long time pondering what had happened. Also I'm very thankful that I can do this thing called bowhunting.

When I was looking at him on the ground I was guessing around 150 gross. First thing I did after hanging him when I got home was to tape him. I was really surprised that he measured 161 4/8.
Sorry for the long story and thanks for reading. Best of luck to everyone on your hunts.
I'm sure hoping Photobucket works on this thread. My iPhone makes the pics to large. Fingers crossed
The alarm went off at 2:30 this morning to start a five day hunt. I did the usual packing in the LW and three sticks and doing the hang and hunt thing. On the drive down I decided to go to a different spot that I haven't hunted in the rut for several years. The thought entered my mind that it would be neat to kill another buck on Election Day.
I had the stand setup at 5:00 ( I'm never late) After set up I laid by the base of the tree to sleep as I had a lot of time to wait. I was anxious for the hunt to start so I got in the stand at 5:45 and get on IW. I set the stand on a transition zone where thick brush parallels more open woods. These zones have been good to me over the years as deer love to use them. A little after 6:00 I heard leaves rusting and heard a few soft grunts as he was tending his female friend.
To make this shorter these deer were by me for 45 minutes they just stood there. In all they moved 50 yards in the time frame. I just kept praying for it to get light as I might pull this off. Now the buck is behind me and I can't get the shot and its legal shooting time plus the doe is looking at me and the buck is wondering what's going on it was very stressful. Finally she heads north and he follows her slowly but just enough to get the 25 yard shot. I loosed the arrow tipped with a 100 grain Solid Legend and he was done. I looked at my phone and it was 6:41. Its still hard for to believe that I was able to get it done but luck did happen to me today.

After I had him tagged and dressed and photo session over I sat on the ground for a long time pondering what had happened. Also I'm very thankful that I can do this thing called bowhunting.

When I was looking at him on the ground I was guessing around 150 gross. First thing I did after hanging him when I got home was to tape him. I was really surprised that he measured 161 4/8.
Sorry for the long story and thanks for reading. Best of luck to everyone on your hunts.
I'm sure hoping Photobucket works on this thread. My iPhone makes the pics to large. Fingers crossed
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