Without reading the proposal, it's hard to know if FB is right or not. Maybe it WAS short on details in the areas they noted. One thing for sure, and you can always count on it, FB stands up for individual property rights over gov't intervention, especially when it comes to farming and making money. If you own 1000 acres of timber, they support your right to allow NO hunting, or to sell hunts to 100 NR hunters. Deer sanctuary? They also support the neighboring farmers' right to protect their crops by shooting all year long, every deer that crosses the fence onto their property. If you want to doze it and put up hog confinements, even if it's full of sinkholes and a trout stream runs through it, you should be able to do it. If you want to donate it to the Nature Conservancy, they won't stand in your way.Anything that would impose on those rights for the greater good of the people or welfare of the environment or wildlife, will be scrutinized severely and generally be opposed on principle alone. Right or wrong? Depends on the issue, and which side you're on.