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Eradicating Young Honeysuckle


T250 for president
Forgive me if this has already been covered, but what is the most efficient way to get rid of young (6"- 3' tall) Honeysuckle. I don't mind a little of it here and there, but I have about 0.5 acre area on my 40 that will be covered with it in a few years. This area consists of boxelders, wild cherry, and hedge. Is there a foliar spray that will work or does it need cut then sprayed?

Another option: Let it go and get thick then cut here and there when it gets more mature? Will deer nip it off when it's young? I would like this area to be a better bedding area fyi.
Thank you for any response.
I like having honeysuckle around. Deer love it and I used to hunt a spot that had it growing in a little draw and many times I'd see deer bedded in it. Killed a couple nice buck in it Drop the Box Elder trees and let it thicken up for bedding.
BUSH HONEYSUCKLE is the one we don’t want!!!!!!!
Kill it!!!
U can use garlon 4 (triclopyr) to treat it a variety of ways. If leafed out u have options with that & could add others like Gly & 2,4-d if u wanted.
Million ways to kill it. Spray over it when growing. Basal bark at bottom when dormant. Hack it off & spray stumps. Etc etc. The labels on triclopyr will have rates & methods. Get rid of BUSH HONEYSUCKLE. Ya, regular little honeysuckle isn’t problem
The big advantage with eradicating honeysuckle is it's the first plant to green up in the Spring and last to lose green in the Fall. Use that to your advantage. Spray late into October/early November with glyphosate. Your off-target kill will be minimal or non-existent at that time.

If it's feasible, mow it all off (even graze with goats) early summer so you're spraying resprouts that are all the same size come fall.

Lots of literature and land managers state that Garlon is ineffective on honeysuckle. I've used it with varying results and choose to stick with gly.

Good luck!

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I’m glad to hear about skepticism on triclopyr. I don’t have BHS on my land & the times I’ve smoked it with it- I ran really high rates.
IMO…. Little stuff - easy like above. Major stuff….. heck, the forestry mulching is looking really tempting with how bad some guys got it. Cut & treat. Minor bigger shrubs…. Chainsaw or that weed whipper with a blade & treat tips.
Very good to know some folks not having luck with few methods though!!!
A backpack sprayer with gly or crossbow/crossroad and foliar spraying small bush honeysuckle is what I do and I have no issues killing the small ones this way. The problem is that I never see improvement. I've long since removed all the large ones. I kill every small one I can find every year and there are always just as many or more that pop up the following spring. Of course all my neighbors do nothing to control it. It is a never-ending battle.
A backpack sprayer with gly or crossbow/crossroad and foliar spraying small bush honeysuckle is what I do and I have no issues killing the small ones this way. The problem is that I never see improvement. I've long since removed all the large ones. I kill every small one I can find every year and there are always just as many or more that pop up the following spring. Of course all my neighbors do nothing to control it. It is a never-ending battle.
I hear ya. Lots of berries and seedbank.

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