Have done it a couple times too. What we use is a turkey cooker..and it works nicely.
We try to take off as much fat and skin as possible before we put it in the cooker, use buck knife, pilers works good for some parts, and other tool that you may need. And then just gradually work on picking the rest of. Boil for 1-2 hours, clean it, boil it again, and just repeat the process until you think the skull is completely clean. Don't forget about the brain though..you have to work on getting the brain out also. When you put it in peroxide, make sure the base of the antlers are not in the peroxide because it will turn the base bleach white too! What works nice too is putting tin foil or saran wrap around any part of the antlers that you may think sit slightly in the peroxide. Just let it sit in peroxide for 2-3 days and just air dry it out sometimes if it is a nice day out.
Oh, and of course, when you boil it...it will smells nasty!!