Every year

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Seems like ever year we run into something.. this year we got accused of harrassing people who were hunting around our farm. Mind you we were sitting in the gate in a truck apparently this is harrassment. I think we were just grinding gears that we were there and they couldnt get into our farm like they normally can. two weeks left. rant over.. for now
How about the phone that goes like this "We wounded one that went onto your property". then when you have them show you where blood is there isn't any blood or hoof prints. Or when you are getting ready to hunt a piece some guy pulls up in a pickup and says that they have one hit in that section and sent one guy in from the other end and are surrounding it with trucks.
In Missouri, some guy who picks his rifle up once a year thinks he's a sniper on opening morning and tries shooting one at some ridiculous distance, then wounds and can't find what he says is "the biggest deer I've ever seen"
Yep, its crap like that, that fuels the arguements on here, and its happening every day. Just a different mentality and no respect.
It is very hard to focus on the many many good shotgun hunters when you face the bad. I'm in the same boat.
Yep, If looks could kill I'd be dead. Just for not running one drive on our place after they pushed all around us multiple times. Driving out they stopped and asked when we were going to push it. I said sorry shotgun is for hunting with our kids and they are not going to get involved in a drive.
We ran inot some people from the city yesterday. The pulled up behind me wanting to know if we had hunted a particular section. I told them yes we had and them yes and asked why? They said they were wanting to walk it themselves. I then asked if they had permission and long story short, they hadn't asked anybody. They were driving around walking onto anybody's ground they wanted to. Had some kids with them, shame they are learning poor ethics at a young age.
We ran inot some people from the city yesterday. The pulled up behind me wanting to know if we had hunted a particular section. I told them yes we had and them yes and asked why? They said they were wanting to walk it themselves. I then asked if they had permission and long story short, they hadn't asked anybody. They were driving around walking onto anybody's ground they wanted to. Had some kids with them, shame they are learning poor ethics at a young age.
unfortunately this is the norm in west central Iowa where i grew up. most of the guys don't even bother to walk...they literally DRIVE! adn by drive, i mean with trucks. they just surround the section and send a couple trucks in.
this is why i gave up shotgun hunting back there years ago.
We seen a guy last yr driving through a grass feild with a loaded mossberg in the front seat. Had a probably 7-8 yr old kid with him too. 3 years ago, I seen 2 does running through an abandoned pasture, within seconds a truck came flying down the gravel road, slammed on the brakes and stuck a high power out the window and shot in SE iowa. Im just glad he missed
Those darn shotgun hunters. What are they thinking! Blow the dust off their shotgun they only use once a year and then take those long shots how can they call themselves hunters. And they hunt sections around my farm so I have to patrol them because I don't have anything better to do and need something to whine about. I can't believe it! If they do it again I'm going to get on Iowa whitetail and start the 57th thread about why shotgun hunters are bad. Then the real hunters that use muzzle loaders and shoot them all year and are very familiar with them and never miss will get on Iowa whitetail and tell why they don't like shotgun hunters, and we can just all consul each other till mom gets home!
A big doe came running across the road like a bat out of hell Sunday morning 10am. Slammed on my breaks to miss running into her with my truck. She was gut shot, with guts hanging out on both sides. She will be miles away from who ever hit her, and no blood trail.
Seems like ever year we run into something.. this year we got accused of harrassing people who were hunting around our farm. Mind you we were sitting in the gate in a truck apparently this is harrassment. I think we were just grinding gears that we were there and they couldnt get into our farm like they normally can. two weeks left. rant over.. for now

And every year it seems like someone has to cry about it over this site. Yea it sucks, but really what are your online buddies going to do about it? Who cares, get over it. It's part of shotgun hunting and its something that's never going to change, PERIOD. :way:
Those darn shotgun hunters. What are they thinking! Blow the dust off their shotgun they only use once a year and then take those long shots how can they call themselves hunters. And they hunt sections around my farm so I have to patrol them because I don't have anything better to do and need something to whine about. I can't believe it! If they do it again I'm going to get on Iowa whitetail and start the 57th thread about why shotgun hunters are bad. Then the real hunters that use muzzle loaders and shoot them all year and are very familiar with them and never miss will get on Iowa whitetail and tell why they don't like shotgun hunters, and we can just all consul each other till mom gets home!
Pretty close...except the real hunters aren't muzzleloaders. The real ones are bowhunters!
Bowtech84 said:
Those darn shotgun hunters. What are they thinking! Blow the dust off their shotgun they only use once a year and then take those long shots how can they call themselves hunters. And they hunt sections around my farm so I have to patrol them because I don't have anything better to do and need something to whine about. I can't believe it! If they do it again I'm going to get on Iowa whitetail and start the 57th thread about why shotgun hunters are bad. Then the real hunters that use muzzle loaders and shoot them all year and are very familiar with them and never miss will get on Iowa whitetail and tell why they don't like shotgun hunters, and we can just all consul each other till mom gets home!

The only thing worse than complaining about shotgun hunters is whining about people who are complaining about shotgun hunters
Livin at Full Draw said:
The only thing worse than complaining about shotgun hunters is whining about people who are complaining about shotgun hunters

Not whining, as I stated before I find it hilarious and very entertaining!
unfortunately this is the norm in west central Iowa where i grew up. most of the guys don't even bother to walk...they literally DRIVE! adn by drive, i mean with trucks. they just surround the section and send a couple trucks in.
this is why i gave up shotgun hunting back there years ago.

That's where we were. Shelby county.
Why would ya whine about shotgun hunters???????? They shoot themselves! Their own kids and relatives and such!! :confused: They dwindle themselves down!!
Yeah what am I thinking watching my farms. I should just let dirtballs cut down our gates and run all over it like they do when no one is watching it. Believe me I have better things to do but I will not allow pieces of redneck trash destroying my property and endangering people who are legally hunting on our farm.
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Also bowtech and booner I don't give a hoot about how people hunt their land i doesn't matter to me. It's theirs. But when they spend a whole day waiting to drive our farm because its the only property on the whole section with timber and cover and the fact that they DON'T have the right to be there it bothers me. I have no problem with people who legally shotgun hunt and do drives on places where they can be my issue is the people who think its their god given right to go wherever it is and I'm not going to sit back and just let it happen. Btw this is by tingley Iowa
Its not only the gun guys even though they may be the obvious offenders.

Back in October my wife and myself were hanging one last camera on a Sunday afternoon and found a truck parked next to our land. Well, I knew right where to look and I found a guy up a tree. I said to him did me hurt hisself on the fence he crossed? he just looked at me. I said see it there thats where you belong and I hope he is reading this. He had a brand new set of muddy sticks and stand and a camera on a mount. I'm sure he has a video of one pissed off white guy and I have a gopro video of him. I told him he better tell his friends I will spend everyday locking them up till there are none left.

The next group I ran into was on a different property I did not control at that time. They were just riding around checking it out. I told them they stay on that side I stay on my side and we are good. They asked me what I did and kinda not so nice told the I could not say as I take out trash. I have lost too much being nice and I dont like being that way but you have to and hold your ground, every last inch.
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