Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Excellent safety harness!

That is a good idea, but if you use your harness correctly you should only fall a foot or so below your treestand and should be able to get back in easily. That being said I don't think many people use their harness correctly
That is great!! I just read on archerytalk today where a guy died while falling. They found him hanging from the tree and he did have a lifeline on. He must of not been able to get back on the stand and passed out like they talking about.

I also agree with Breiner. When I put my harness on I make sure that when I am sitting down the strap is already pulling on me so I could never fall lower than my tree stand. I would expect that my waist would be level with the platform. I would think I would be able to get back on easily but then again I was once hoisted 30 feet up in the air by a harness and a rope and it was not fun. I also try to put at least one treestep that I could grab and then of course my sticks would be right there. Either case though I never want to see if I am wearing everything properly because I may never know if I did or not.
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Pretty cool system. I hate to echo a few of you others, but if you're strap is positioned correctly you're not going to fall as far as he did and you had to get into your stand somehow so your steps will be there that you can use to climb back up before getting the blood cut off to your legs. His steps have to be on the other side of the tree and they show him trying to kick his leg up to the platform to get back in as if the steps weren't there.....so unless you catapoulted into your stand somehow without steps, I don't see how this would be worth the money if your using your current harness correctly and have steps up to your stand.
I guess it would pay for itself if you only had to use it once. Just like any other safety device...put it on and hope that you never have to use it. :way:
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