Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Fake Cam pic

I can see it with a pass through, or even an exit somewhere other than the offside shoulder that doesn't go all the way through, but not with that shot. There's a reason that arrow is sticking out a 10 inches on the side of the deer. Just my opinion........... I've shot more than a couple deer that way that didn't spill a drop of blood for 30 yards, and the only way to tell where the impact site was at was to scan the ground for cut hair...............or go back and review the footage. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
you can feed deer in iowa but when season starts , you cannot erect a stand, blind or otherwise hunt above bait or any attractant, apples, salt - mineral blocks,hay,vegtables or loose corn piles or any other natural food materials( or by products) for the purpose of attracting Wildlife, during any said season. you can do so(feed) in the summer, or late winter, but cannot hunt near or around when seasons start, also applies to Turkeys (Wildlife) ect.
this is up in the NE part of the U.S. (maryland, pennsylvania, delaware, new jersey) not sure exactly but im pretty sure maryland or jersey
This picture was taken in Wisconsin here is an explaination from the owners of the picture. And, after being in the graphic design, photo business for close to 20 years and working with photoshop on a daily basis, if asked my opinion, I would say this picture is legit. I see nothing in the photo that can't be explained photographically and it would be extremely difficult to reproduce this picture with a dead deer. Kid got a once in a lifetime photo, good for him!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Owners of Cuddeback photo
Brian and Logan Hacker,

Thank you to Cousin Don Hacker for notifying us on Sunday afternoon October 12th, that Logan’s buck photo had been posted on line and where it originated we are not sure as we had just shared it with Cuddeback first off for them to declare rights to the picture if they so desired and secondly to a couple friends and family that were interested.

We intentionally had kept the photo in somewhat of a limited exposure because of major reactions we were getting around our small town of Luck, Wisconsin until we could decide just what to do and who to notify of this non typical picture off of our Cuddeback Capture trail camera.

Don Hacker had been waiting for us to e-mail him the photo as he had heard a lot about it from family. With Don’s involvement in different websites Don stumbled on it and sent it to us asking if this was Logan’s Cuddeback Deer Photo. Well, that is exactly how this got started on Sunday and with my wife and I holding down full time jobs and Logan very busy in school and High School Football practice and games last night was finally the night for us to finally clear up everyone’s negative and thank you to the positive replies to our once in a lifetime photo. After getting all registered and finally getting our personal story together we lost connection so we are attempting it again. We feel it is most important for all you hunters out there to realize this IS a real photo.

Logan is a very avid sports minded hunter that has spent countless hours preparing for the season by getting his stand ready, hunting gear and making time to enjoy the outdoors and wild life by being a very patient young hunter because of his love for just being in the woods with his friends or Grandpa to observe several 1 ½ yr. bucks that he had passed up due to herd management. He is always thinking beyond the moment and we are proud of him for that.

With our busy schedule he does not get out to retrieve his chip in the camera as often as he would like but when he makes his quick trip out after school activities (when time permits) he has a complete night of viewing all kinds of deer and other wild life which keeps him up too late on school nights but it all paid off with the photo that he did capture and didn’t even realize it.

So the story goes, Logan and his friend Brandon also of Luck ,Wisconsin went out 9/20/08 bow hunting as it was a beautiful evening. They enjoyed watching several deer before this 8 point buck came up from a watering hole, stopped put his head down and Logan let fire. It was about a 12 yard shot with the deer jumping straight up in the air and traveled approximately 50 yards before they heard him drop. They waited just a couple minutes before coming out of the tree stand to find his FIRST buck with his bow, how exciting for him. Logan and Brandon found the deer, field dressed and brought it home on the four wheeler. He called us as we had gone to a golf benefit to tell us that he had shot a buck and had gotten it home and was very excited. We went home to see as it was as exciting for us as parents as it was for him. The deer was registered and processed. The photos that we carried were that off our regular digital camera showing friends and family Logan and his first deer (buck) with his bow. Logan was pretty proud of that and brought his pictures to school. Then things got more interesting:
Not until the following Thursday September 25 was Logan able to get back out to his stand to retrieve his camera chip. He again brought his buddy Brandon out on the four wheeler just to check things out and get his chip for them to review and ooh and ahh over what had been coming in over the last few days. Logan brought the chip home, downloaded to the computer and then they began to review only to find this once in a lifetime photo that they had absolutely no idea had been captured on the trail camera. Who would ever believe that a person could capture such a clear, full view, detailed shot as this one???? What can a person say, this is truly a ONCE in a life time ordeal.
As one of his teacher stated, “You would have a better chance at winning the lottery than capturing a photo like this”. That was enough for our interest to peak so we contacted Eric at Cuddeback and he had us forward the picture for his review. After his review he stated that was truly exceptional and asked what model camera had taken this photo. We told him it was the Capture model. He was a bit disappointed to tell us that it was too graphic for them to post on their web site or for advertising purposes. He stated that they have to be very careful as to what they could actually publish because of Peta and so forth. He thanked us for forwarding the original photo and stated that he would keep it in a confidential file as they would not be able to use it because of us having the copyright to this photo.

After that conversation, we weren’t sure as to what exactly what we were going to do with the photo as people were calling us and asking us at every school event if we had the picture on us as they just couldn’t stop looking at it because it was so unbelievable.

It was truly a experience of a lifetime for our 15 year old Son Logan Hacker of Luck Wisconsin and he would love to be able to share his story for anyone to hear as it again is a once in a lifetime ordeal.

Hopefully this posting will help you understand just what happened the night of September 20th and don’t think it was not only a surprise to everyone else but for me as well.

One last note, our family is not quite up to speed on much as far as computer experience so as far as this being photo shopped we wouldn’t have a clue!

Thank you for letting us give you the story from the horses mouth.

We value your feedback.

Brian and Logan Hacker
Luck, Wisconsin </div></div>
Thank you Limb..... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

sure seems to me that when someone gets a sweet photo, others constantly try to discredit it.... sad
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: THA4</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Thank you Limb..... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

sure seems to me that when someone gets a sweet photo, others constantly try to discredit it.... sad </div></div>

Don't take it so emotionally Thomas, it's called skepticism, and it comes naturally to pretty much everyone..............just ask Mitch Rompola. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif It acts as a means of checks and balance, because without it, how would we ever know who was telling the truth. It's a heck of a sweet photo if it's legit, especially to the person who shot the deer, but I still think it's off a little. As I said before though, it's only my opinion, and as we all know, there are plenty of folks on this site who like to offer their own from time to time regardless of wether or not their right or wrong. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
You two need to kiss and make-up. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif

Nah, nevermind, Thomas might like that too much! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
The muscles on the deers body wouldn't be flexed and defined like they are if it was lying dead. Awesome photo! Very real!!!
I stand corrected, and oppoligize.
still a picture thats hard to beleive, cool though!!
Man that is a hard call......FAKE.......REAL......FAKE........REAL......Oh hell, I don't know. Sure would like to think it's real but have a real hard time doing so. Very nice if it is fake though.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I'd bet cash it is real.</div></div>

that settles it. if mr. wood is willing to risk parting with cash, then ITS REAL!
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