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Fall plots


Active Member
Things are a little slow here and the QDMA forum is down so I'll throw this out. When do you guys plant your fall plots?

I am putting in a small .15 acre plot of Green Patch Plus this fall. I am doing this partly as a test plot to see if they like the brassica and cereal grains next to corn/beans. I sprayed at the end of July and disced and dragged the plot on 8/16 to turn under anything the spray missed. I'll go back and fertilize in a week or so, disc that under, spread my seed and drag/pack.

I have no soil test as this is only a one year deal in this spot. It was in beans last year and oats this spring which came up well with no fertilizer at all. All the local FS had was 18-52-0 and 0-0-62. They were out of 46-0-0. What general fertilizer would you recommend?

When would you plant? I'm thinking between Sept 1 and Labor Day?

Anybody have good luck with brassica and wheat when there is corn every where around you? I have read that deer often dont like brassicas in farm country, but dont know if thats true.
We planted one 2-3 acre field back on Aug. 8th. We planted corn the last 3 years in this field without much luck so it will be a clover field in the future. We planted a mix that contains the following perennials: 5 clovers, Chicory, and alfalfa. The mix also contains the following annuals: rape, canola, turnips, and Biologic Max. for this fall.

This weekend we're planting 3 acres of Buck Forage Oats and another 3 acres with a mix of turnips, winter canola, and biologic max for a fall attractant.

Our corn was really bad this year or we wouldn't be planting so many acres.

Drilled 2 acres of BFO and 3 acres of rye 8/16 because the conditions looked really good. I planted 2 acres of alfalfa 8/21 and about 1/2 acre of brassicas. I disked up about 1/2 acre for the neighbor last Sunday as well- he is going to plant this weekend.
I seeded a 2 and 1 acre patch of rye about 2 weeks ago. I had a 1 acre patch last year and was really impressed how the deer came to it during late season muzzleloader. Plus it is realitivley cheap compared to some other options.
Planted 2 acres of industrial strength QDMA rape and turnip seed on the 16th. It was a re-plant of a spring cluster involving volunteer corn and late spraying. Disced in 50# of Nirtogen per acre. Got a lucky rain last Sunday night/monday am so I should be off to a good start. Had 1.5 acre rape and turnip next to 2 acres of good corn last year and had 40 head on it every evening during late muzzle. Was very impressed with the rape and turnips. They used it more heavily than the standing cornfield.
I planted about the same size food plot on Aug. 14 that consisted of winter wheat, red,alskie,ladino clover and birdfoot trefoil. That fertilizer seems like alot of nitrogen to me. I use a 9-25-25 but that is used on clovers and chicory. As far as the brassicas, I read somewhere that deer will not utilize it as much in the early season and that they wait until later in the season to really demolish it. I believe it had something to do with the sugar content in the plant is more later in the season, don't quote me on that though. I have two plots of Biologic Premium Perinnial and they have been awesome! Good luck
Just put in a couple acres of Turnips and Rape this evening. Hoping we get a decent shower over the next couple of days!
What is the latest you can plant fall plots? I ask this because I just picked up a farm here last week and got permission to put a 1 acre food plot in a 5 acre crp field. I plan on mowing it off here in the next few days then discing and spraying soon after. I have a mixed bag of ladino clover,rape,turnup,and rye. I would like to supplement it with winter wheat as well. How would you food plot experts suggest I approach this and do I have enough time? Thanks TT
Well then, sounds like this weekend wont be any too early to plant. Also sounds like you guys have been having some luck with wheat/rye and brassicas. I was hoping so because with a limited acreage, I'll have 1&1/2 acres next year to play with, it seems pointless to plant corn. I am surrounded by it anyway.
Are most of you just going to the local seed dealer and buying plain Jane wheat and rye grain?

TallTines, I'm no expert on this stuff, but I would think it is getting a little late to spray with alot of success. Generally your looking at a week to 10 days for Round-up to work. I sprayed some last Thursday and havent seen much affect yet. I think if it was me I would just mow it several times to chop up the vegitation as best I could, disc the heck out of it (maybe twice a couple days apart), and plant. It may not turn out perfect but but I'm sure you would get a fair amount of the mix to come up. Round up (generic) is fairly cheap though so if you think you have the time, might as well go for it. Let us know how it works out.
I get my rye in 50 pound bags, paid $7.75 per bag this year. Rye does pretty well even in poor soils.

Too late to plant? Depends on the weather but I try to have things done by first full week in September. Given any moisture, there will be plenty of time for growth in rye/wheat. Have heard most brassicas need 45 days- is that about right?
$7.75 a bag sounds pretty good, much better than the designer stuff. I think I paid $16 for a 20lb bag of Green Patch plus. I wanted the wheat and oats, but also wanted to try the brassica in the mix so I thought what the heck. I have some perrenial rye to put in for erosion control in another spot so I might throw some annual rye in that for a cover crop.

On the back of the GPP bag it says it needs 30 days before the first frost, but I read 45 days everywhere else for brassicas.
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