I was hoping he may have grown more the past couple weeks, not sure what happened to his left g4,..oh well. I really like the splits, mass is pretty decent I think. (Hard to tell with velvet) His beams look longer than I am used to for my area, maybe I'm just hoping. This trail cam thing possibly has me putting too much thought into the deer in the area than I used to. I'm not sure how big he is and a few yrs back when I killed a giant some people told me I'd never find another buck that looked big. They were wrong, this buck isn't huge by any stretch but I am begining to think I should go after him, I like him alot.
I pulled this particular cam out of there. Have to learn how to replace the glass on a homebrew I guess. Big Black thing managed to bust it out, I'm getting pretty tired of dealing with them on my cameras all summer long.
Great deer. Might not score a ton but he certainly has a beautiful rack. Love how high it sits off his head. It's really something to see how he's progressed in horn growth.
Great looking buck Kaare. You ever try making a bear guard for your cams? My dad welded some up for his with sharpened nails sticking off it. Seems to keep them off it.
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