favorite antler characteristic


New Member
Wondering what everybody's favorite antler traits are and what kind of racks (as in antlers) you like. My favorite trait is mass. I've always like to see thick main beams and big bases. I also like tall, typical racks rather then wide for some reason.
The bigger the better but Mass, tine length, main beam length, browtine length, width, height, etc, etc, etc. Anything to do with big bucks is a favorite for me...... If I have to choose one though, it would be mass.
Wide, tall, and a drop tine or two
Prefer non-typicals over typicals....the more deformed the better
Give me the TRASH!

I like them all, but the more trash coming off the main beam the better.
double droptines, double main beams, mule deer splits and lots of width/height/mass.

Very unlikely, but those are my favorites.

Brow tines.... Big tall brow tines. I think its because of all the deer I have taken over the years the one that got away had the tall brows

MASS! do me there is nothing better than a big heavy racked deer, mass makes up for so much, if a racks a little short or not very wide the mass still makes them look huge. The Jordon buck is my all time fav. I like big clean typicals. With lots of mass.
I like character, something a little out of the norm. I don't care about symmetry, just something dark, massy, with some character, whether it be stickers, drops, split tines, I don't care, just show me something unlike the avg. clean typical and I'll like it!
I'll tell you what I don't like. Texas typicals, pencil racks! I like typicals like the last one Shredder arrowed, looks alot like the one that walked into my spot just after I left stand early one night this past October

Other than that, Big non-typicals and mass.
Hunt on All4s
I have an affinity for typical, tall-tined 8 points. In the 18-20" spread range with really tall G1 and G2's and a curved main beam on the end!
I am with Onecam I love bladed tines, edges on beams and darker racks with some character. WanaB&C's dad’s deer is pretty cool.
I started to write a reply, then I remembered the thread title was "favorite antler characteristic", not "favorite rack characteristic". Boy, that would've been embarrassing. Although "Mass" would apply to both.