Have any of you that used to shoot Pyrodex that switched to Triple noticed much difference in the amount of fouling in your barrel? I am thinking of switching as some people have told me the difference is night and day.
I'm a little late on this subject, but my Omega likes 100 grains of triple 7, with a TC shockwave 250.
I am shooting this same gun/powder/bullet combo and find that it takes a lot of force to load the barrel, even when completely clean. I will not even try loading it with less than 5 patches through it first.
For those of you that shoot this load, do you find the T/C superglide (yellow) sabots to be easier than the standard black ones?
BUT my groups are 2 inches or so, maybe a touch bigger at times, seems good enough for me. Would you be satisfied.
Just curious, when you guys say your satisfied with your groups what is that. I switched to an omega this year with 150 gr of 777 and 250 gr shockwaves, I am about an inch high at 100yards and 1/2 inch-1 inch low at 150 yards. I have found that if I turn my scope to 12X and put the top of my bottom post I am on at 200 yards.
BUT my groups are 2 inches or so, maybe a touch bigger at times, seems good enough for me. Would you be satisfied.
[I found this isn't the way to go......no kidding right? /QUOTE]
Black powder subs are designed to use a volume for volume measure. If you want to weigh it, use your volume measure for a baseline and weigh what it throws out. Never just weigh the powder. Subs weigh much less than black powder.
I'm thinking this is what your doing, just wanted to make sure for safety sake.
Thanks for clarifying this SB. What you stated I thought was right, as I have never heard of people weighing loose muzzleloader powder...so I just had to get out my digital scale and see. I weighed my 777 90 gr VOLUME load and got 66,64,66 gr WEIGHT for three different weight measurements; filling my volume measurement up 3 different times.[I found this isn't the way to go......no kidding right? /QUOTE]
Black powder subs are designed to use a volume for volume measure. If you want to weigh it, use your volume measure for a baseline and weigh what it throws out. Never just weigh the powder. Subs weigh much less than black powder.
I'm thinking this is what your doing, just wanted to make sure for safety sake.