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Favre for the Vikes


Well-Known Member
Not sure what to think of Favre coming out of retirement... again...

Granted, I don't think I could turn down 10 million for a one year contract.
i really wanted to see him to stick it to green bay, but i'm sick if him and his idescisive flip flopping. after he beats green bay for the 2nd time this season....i almost want to see him go down ala joe "theesman"
I know after 10:30 I didnt get a darn thing done at work. between phone calls , text messages and emails it was a full time job keeping up.

I've been a Viking fan since I was a little tike (I thought the uniforms were cool) and you learn to hate the Pack and I am a little torn with this. A friend told me today he was sick and excited at the same time. That pretty much sums it up for me also.
I know he will do a good job. Hes been throwing passes to the Vikings his entire life. Oh wait, those were to the defense!

Im sure he will do fine, hes gotta be better than T-joke. I was ok with going into the season with Sage though.
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i really wanted to see him to stick it to green bay, but i'm sick if him and his idescisive flip flopping. after he beats green bay for the 2nd time this season....i almost want to see him go down ala joe "theesman"

I said almost the same thing to my wife today. If the vikings do good this year Ill know they just needed a Packer to make a real team:drink2:.
Being a loyal Packer fan forever it was really hard to see him put on that dreaded Viking's helmet!! That hurt bad. I understand his desire to play I guess and can not wait for the Packers to pick him off a bunch of times!! Very sad though.

I do agree with Adam though, (it won't happen because they always choke), but if the Vikes would get very lucky and win the Super Bowl (the first in their history), it would be with a Packer QB!! I wouldn't want that if I was a Vikings fan. I did talk to a Vike fan at work and he was OK with it.

He was offered a heck of a deal, like 20 million for a couple years to be an ambassador like guy for the Packers and he turned that down, so he must really want to play.
I heard they brought him back for a special formation. The interception formation! I hope a KC Chiefs LB puts him into retirement for good this weekend.

as hard as this is for me to swallow, Being a life long Packer fan, I will root for Favre.

He should just let it go and stay retired as far as I'm concerned..... I hope he has a great season and as long as they are not playing the packers, I will be watching him play

Cheese 4 Ever

as hard as this is for me to swallow, Being a life long Packer fan, I will root for Favre.

He should just let it go and stay retired as far as I'm concerned..... I hope he has a great season and as long as they are not playing the packers, I will be watching him play

Cheese 4 Ever

I respect the above comment from Thomas and it does bother me somewhat to read and hear people wish for a player to get injured because said player plays on a team they dont like.

Come on people its FOOTBALL!!
What a freakin waste of money! Do you guys really think this wash will do the Vikes any good? Did he do any good for the Jets last year? And he's supposed to be better this year? The guy is washed up! Oh yea, he'll throw a couple good passes, maybe have one or two good games, but at the end of the season when the Vikes are watching the playoffs while at home, you'll see just how pathetic of a move this was for an organisation that actually was moving in the right direction for a change. But not anymore, and not for two more years. Geez, what happened....Tarkington decide to not come out of retirement? Leave it to a Minn team to pull in another old, over the hill waste. I havnt watched the Vikes for five years. Looks like it'll be at least two more before I do, unless they sign him to an extension, which wouldnt suprise me at all.
Who really cares if Favre goes to the Vikings. For those of you who think this is a circus, the media is what made it a circus (just like they do with nearly everything else). Maybe he really needed some extra time to think over the issue. Not our business. Nearly every athelete does whats best for themselves, and can you really blame them? For 25 million over the next two years, do you think he really cares who he plays for? I wouldn't. It's just a game. IMO we should be happy to be able to have the chance to watch him play again if we are interested in doing so. If not, quit crying about it, and don't let the media brianwash you into a negative reaction. :)
Caught me by suprise.....
He drew an Iowa tag this year. If it was me, I'd stayed retired and hunted Iowa before signing with the purple helmets.
I feel bad for Sage. He was going to get a chance at being the man, instead he is getting bumped for Farve. I think he was a good player, but should have stayed retired.
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