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Feed deer

Wildturkey 2

Active Member
With all the deep snow & ice at first layer should a person feed the deer or not . This is going to set the pheasants population back & it was just getting better & afraid with the few quail we got left will all but be gone but a few .
I set up a feeder for the first time yesterday, but ran out of daylight before I got it filled. Still have 1.5 acres of standing corn and close to 4 acres of standing beans so I think what deer we have left will be ok, at least I hope.
I set up a feeder for the first time yesterday, but ran out of daylight before I got it filled. Still have 1.5 acres of standing corn and close to 4 acres of standing beans so I think what deer we have left will be ok, at least I hope.
I didn’t get any feed out unfortunately. But got turnips & radishes lots of them they will have to dig down but they will. The neighbor still has standing corn so they should be alright. Didn’t think would get this bad .
We have an acre of standing corn and 4ac brassicas the deer are digging down to. May roll out an alfalfa bale.

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Alfalfa with corn or beans .. I’ve had good luck ! & a good spot to drop a shed !
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I’m looking for small square alfalfa bales with no luck. Seems that is a dying business here. Been running 2 feeders with mixed feed since September. Plan to keep em full through March at least.

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I’m looking for small square alfalfa bales with no luck. Seems that is a dying business here. Been running 2 feeders with mixed feed since September. Plan to keep em full through March at least.

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I found some on fb market place. I’d have trailer- big round bales & big square bales nice too.
I’m looking for small square alfalfa bales with no luck. Seems that is a dying business here. Been running 2 feeders with mixed feed since September. Plan to keep em full through March at least.

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Unsure where you are- we bale every year but in north central iowa. Extreme north.
I’m looking for small square alfalfa bales with no luck. Seems that is a dying business here. Been running 2 feeders with mixed feed since September. Plan to keep em full through March at least.

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Ask your local salebarn because this time of year they might have a person who brings hay to the sale barn to sell.
We have a calf there to sell next week. Dad is going to ask them on Monday. Excellent idea!

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Where at in sw iowa?

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Page county
It’s my SiL that has them. PM me for his #

Anyone else that’s interested, just PM me, says he has plenty.

His description:
Alfalfa square bales for sale it’s all 4th cutting. Did not get rained on. Very good quality. Perfect for horses asking $8 a bale. Bales are wire tied
Anybody have a good rule of thumb for how many small alfalfa bales a guy should put out. I have a remote farm that i don’t get to very often and my foodplot is about out of food. If there are 20 deer hitting it regularly, how many alfalfa bales should i put out to get them thru a couple weeks?
Anybody have a good rule of thumb for how many small alfalfa bales a guy should put out. I have a remote farm that i don’t get to very often and my foodplot is about out of food. If there are 20 deer hitting it regularly, how many alfalfa bales should i put out to get them thru a couple weeks?
For two weeks 12 to fifteen
Ask your local salebarn because this time of year they might have a person who brings hay to the sale barn to sell.

Called em and they had some in back that were several years old. He said if I fed the few head they had there, I could have a few. They were alright as they had been shedded the whole time.

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