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Is 4 strand enuff or does one need 5?
Hahahaha!!! Make it 6! Just to be sure!!!Is 4 strand enuff or does one need 5?
Ooooh, you are a bad man!!! Lmao!I've read where people tie down an existing fence in a certain spot so that deer cross there. I would guess this is fences with barbed wire over the top, maybe not. Do people have issues with that?
Earlier last fall, I spread Milorganite in an area in an attempt to change deer travel patterns. Was that an evil act and should I be hung from my toes?
I sleep just fine.Ooooh, you are a bad man!!! Lmao!
Totaly agree ! I see no need to let electric fences up past early to mid September. Beans really dont get browsed hard that time of year as they are drying down and wont get hit hard till November or later. Also i think just opening plots partially to funnel deer past a stand can be very bad depending on how they are constructed. Or this is bound to happen during the rut ! Just something for everyone to consider this planting season.I dont have an issue with the fence funnels one way or another. What I would like to add is be very careful what they are made from and how they are constructe. This picture is from a friends farm this past season he left his electric fence up too long trying to save a small soybean plot for late season. This incident has reinforced with me the need to have all electric fences removed before the rut.
if high fencing properties starts becoming the norm in the midwest, I'm out. I won't be part of that clown show. Alaska, here I come, lol.I know this one is a hot topic. Totally get it. & We are only talking about a strip on fence on here. A strip of fence isn’t gonna get me riled up one way or another to be honest.
Sorry to high jack ….What’s weird to me…. U know where it’s really NOT a hot topic??? Texas. Europe. Africa. I mean, some folks don’t like it but it’s full of COMPLETELY enclosed high fence!!! Common-place “no big deal. Very normal”. I actually had no idea until maybe the last 3 years that probably 75% of hunts guys see in Texas… fully high fenced or the ones that say “free range” are 3 sided high fence. South Africa …. Most those are high fenced. That’s just “normal” there. & if u talk to those folks “if we didn’t, the hunting would be destroyed, poached, shot out, tresspassed, etc”. I have no clue if that’s right or not. Where it catches my thoughts or concerns me…. “These folks think that without there fence, they would not have the opportunity for high quality hunting”. Whether it’s right or not…. That’s just a sad reality that’s probably getting more common around the world vs less. Even though i clearly wish it weren’t the case, it is. It just makes me think…. Can’t we solve any of this to better the resource with REGULATIONS before the masses finally throw their hands up & say “screw it, I’ll take care of it myself if you all will allow the resource to be ruined!” Tells me there’s a lot of places around the world made some very bad, greedy, exploitive & destructive choices on how they manage & regulate the resource & I think SOME of these folks do it out of that last resort desperation. Sorry on the side rant here. Just a topic I’ve heard a lot more about lately.
Most, not all, but most of these high fence operations are MASSIVE acreages. I don't know Europe or Africa really, but a lot of the Texas ranches are true ranches. If you are talking several square miles of land, and those are smaller operations, that's a big difference than having a high fence on a farm of only several hundred acres or even up to 1000 in the midwest. I guess my main point is if you are limiting the natural range of the animal inside the fence, I don't agree with it.I know this one is a hot topic. Totally get it. & We are only talking about a strip on fence on here. A strip of fence isn’t gonna get me riled up one way or another to be honest.
Sorry to high jack ….What’s weird to me…. U know where it’s really NOT a hot topic??? Texas. Europe. Africa. I mean, some folks don’t like it but it’s full of COMPLETELY enclosed high fence!!! Common-place “no big deal. Very normal”. I actually had no idea until maybe the last 3 years that probably 75% of hunts guys see in Texas… fully high fenced or the ones that say “free range” are 3 sided high fence. South Africa …. Most those are high fenced. That’s just “normal” there. & if u talk to those folks “if we didn’t, the hunting would be destroyed, poached, shot out, tresspassed, etc”. I have no clue if that’s right or not. Where it catches my thoughts or concerns me…. “These folks think that without there fence, they would not have the opportunity for high quality hunting”. Whether it’s right or not…. That’s just a sad reality that’s probably getting more common around the world vs less. Even though i clearly wish it weren’t the case, it is. It just makes me think…. Can’t we solve any of this to better the resource with REGULATIONS before the masses finally throw their hands up & say “screw it, I’ll take care of it myself if you all will allow the resource to be ruined!” Tells me there’s a lot of places around the world made some very bad, greedy, exploitive & destructive choices on how they manage & regulate the resource & I think SOME of these folks do it out of that last resort desperation. Sorry on the side rant here. Just a topic I’ve heard a lot more about lately.
If the general public could see plans from the higgins crew, it'd be shocking. Surprised they haven't started their own fencing supply company by now.
From just listening to a few of his last podcasts, he comes out in clear favor of fences if it fits one's needs for deer. Really surprised me.Just curious how often he does this in his own property or recommendations for clients.
I can't speak to his place - but have been able to read through a few plans done for different guys in my area.Firsthand experience from Higgins on this? Just curious how often he does this in his own property or recommendations for clients.
He's fenced at least one neighbor out. I heard him talk about it on a podcast once, I think the guy was letting multiple people hunt on a small property so Don put up a high fence to block them off.I can't speak to his place - but have been able to read through a few plans done for different guys in my area.
He's fenced at least one neighbor out. I heard him talk about it on a podcast once, I think the guy was letting multiple people hunt on a small property so Don put up a high fence to block them off.